Original Post
Market Auctions
Well, I would like to see an automatic process of auctioning in the market section.

It could work like this:


Last edited by Lazors; Aug 10, 2015 at 10:43 AM.
I actually suggested this a while back when I was new to toribash. I love this concept and It would be epic and a good advance in market if it is implemented. It can also deal with the 20% fee and give us precise time on when auction ends.

I would definitely love to see this implemented.

Will there be another tab where the "forums, shop etc." are? That would be enjoyable.
As the devil himself said I too would like to see this implemented.

"Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
God ABD player and masterful Daycare.tbm connoisseur
What all the others said. Would make auctioning a lot easier.
Kyure Moderated Message:
Make sure you explain why you like the movies!
But..But..It was scary ;-;
It should go to the item owner

Also, both the item and the money should be transfered to safetrade.

I don.t know exactly how it shoud behave if you cancel your bid but your offer is not the best at that moment.

Like canceling your bid while being the second in the offer stack
This is a nice idea! Especially the 20% idea. Too often people bid and then cancel just before the end of the auction.
Contact Kradel if you need me.
I totally support this 100%
I had some trouble with auctions.
I see it just like safetrade. U can't withdraw auction if u are last that auctioned. If u are second u can withdraw and bid again. After auction ends it makes the transfer auto.
GREAT IDEA, can't wait for this to happen.
And it could be a separate auction block thread like items and art/textures or flame particles board.
It would help a lot with rules and stuff.
Pm me for deals