Original Post
Hello this is a mod me and lucidess made. The idea came from lancer. I made the tori with the sword and the shield and lucidess made the guy with the big sword. I put them together and *BAM* here it is slow tori (with a big sword) and fast tori ( a shield and a small thin sword) here are pictures of both of the people. (One looks bigger but there both at normal height jsut different camera angle)


Shot at 2007-07-10


Shot at 2007-07-10

It was a bit hard to get a picture of the slow one so i had to take it from the back. Theres no difference.
okies the mod is attached please give positive (or if you must negative) feedback.headbang
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fastvsslow.tbm (3.5 KB, 58 views)
The short sword is actually quite long. I was thinking more of a dagger length.. damn good though :3 people should be trying this out!

Heres a replay taken at a whopping 275 distance. Proof that it's just too long.. XD perhaps it might be neat to make the sword pointing downwards so you can do a stabby stabby motion
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prooftoolong.rpl (15.8 KB, 31 views)
Last edited by Lucidess; Jul 10, 2007 at 04:10 PM.
What is the point of the sheild, If it breaks off if touched with the larger sword. I was wondering if you could give the Slow guy a large sheild and if you could turn Instagib off? Thanks in advance.
Scythe, instagib doesn't need to be turned off, it just needs to be immune to instagib attacks. If you add flag 6 on the body parts it makes them immune (doesn't work on all of them), but also makes it a instagib weapon too. Good enough though.

and since he has been inactive on this, I decided to fix it. Should be perfect now.
Attached Files
fastvsslow.tbm (3.5 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Lucidess; Jul 14, 2007 at 02:15 AM.