Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I need certain tips and techniques for ingame play.
Hello there.

First of all, a note to the moderators. If this is in the wrong section, please do feel free to move it. I would've much rather posted this in the beginners sanctuary rather than here in rapid threads, but I was told by the smod I asked here would be fine, thanks in advance.


Now, to the problem at hand.

It's come to my realisation that there are a couple of things I really, really cannot grasp in toribash, and I was thinking maybe those who know the answers could help me. I have many gripes with this game, and my lack of skill within it, but three major ones constantly make me want to rip my dick off. These three things I'll split into three categories throughout this post, and provide replays of me in relation to the problem I'm having, so you can get the idea of what the issue is, and if you do, help will a greater understanding, thus more effectively. I will add more problems as I encounter them, and my progression as I try to overcome them, so if you've tried to help, I'd appreciate it if you were around in order to keep track of my progress, as it were.

So, to begin with, my biggest gripe of them all.


Fucking posing. Never, ever, ever since my time in joining toribash, and all the replays I've made since then, have I mastered, or even come close to the mastering of the balance of my tori. This really doesn't matter so much during multiplayer, because I can pull sweet shit off within fighting without necessarily needing to stay upright, but nothing finishes off replays quite like a good, strong balance - and I just can't seem to get the hand of it. In replays such as this, and this, I've pulled off a fairly decent decapitation, though I feel that despite the set up, build up, and execution are nice, as soon as the head has come off, the replay looks scrappy and messy. I'd like to simply land on the floor and look fucking awesome. If there are any tips on this sort of thing, then I definitely need them.


Right, bit of a touchy subject here. I realise that there is a very, very nice tutorial written on how to perform a boomhit somewhere, hell, there's probably tonnes. I assure you, I've read most, and I wouldn't post here without actually having researched a couple tips myself. Though, the most Impressive thing I've ever been able to do is kick ukes' arms off at the pecs. I didn't save the replay, because in all honesty I considered myself an utter failure. I sat at my desk for quite a while trying to slam ukes' upper half to pieces, and had no such luck. I find kicking below ukes' shoulder nice enough knocks the arm off and the pec out, but that's about it. If anyone has any examples of boomhits and would kindly "walk me through it" as it were, I'd be grateful. Also, if by any chance you know what particular speed would have a chance to boom, I'd like to know. One replay I quickly made which I believed was just about capable for a boom was this, feel free to tell me I'm wrong/improve/edit or whatever.


Not usually a huge problem, though in games such as wushu these are essential, and I just can't seem to get myself anywhere. In most scenarios, I have been pushed slightly in the opposite direction to my opponent, and try as I might, despite getting myself into various positions where professionals may be able to get back into the game, I just throw myself upwards a little, and gain no ground what-so-ever, or very, very little. Everything up to around frame 400 is what I'm trying to explain. There are various moments in this replay where I feel like I could've shot myself across that mother fucking gap, especially towards the end, but I just can't seem to get a hold of it.


Thank you for reading, and helping, if you did. I'll add any more gripes I come across as I come across them, and I shall post progress if it hopefully happens. I'd like to think this thread would also address a couple issues new guys have, or maybe older guys who just can't play as well, such as myself.
collect snots from the nose
This is a long-overdue guide, and covers everything a newbie needs to know. A link should be stickied in the Beginner's Sanctuary so all questions can be answered without countless new threads being made.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Did you fail to link the guide, or are you saying that this is one? You've confused me.
collect snots from the nose
Gynx, it's good to see that you're a decent person outside of wibbles. The only thing I could possibly help you out with is posing. Though I'm not that flash at it myself, I can land in a low stance on my feet, but staying straight upright can be quite a task. If you are backflipping, try putting one of your feet back, to stop yourself going over and onto your back, and vice versa with a front flip. I hope that is of some help, I will post more tips when I think of them.
I find myself in these sorts of situations quite often, so a guide telling me how/what to do would be most welcome.
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post


In most scenarios, I have been pushed slightly in the opposite direction to my opponent, and try as I might, despite getting myself into various positions where professionals may be able to get back into the game

lolya, hardest thing ever. ,I can't help you with anything since you're much better than me.
The person below is gay
Originally Posted by Metrox View Post
Gynx, it's good to see that you're a decent person outside of wibbles. The only thing I could possibly help you out with is posing. Though I'm not that flash at it myself, I can land in a low stance on my feet, but staying straight upright can be quite a task. If you are backflipping, try putting one of your feet back, to stop yourself going over and onto your back, and vice versa with a front flip. I hope that is of some help, I will post more tips when I think of them.

Don't take anything I say in wibbles seriously, I'm playing with you in there. I'm I tried quickly to improve the pose on the two replays I provided in the OP, this and this, I seem to have got the standing up sort of alright - though I slowly fall as I can't keep balance. This is the problem I had before I give up trying to stand up straight. I'm pretty sure someone with more skill than I could tweak those poses and get something solid and longer-lasting, though I have no idea how they do it. I see where you're coming from with the foot thing. It sets you in a nice crouch if you get it right, though I'd like to get a straight, upright pose.
collect snots from the nose
Can't really help you in any way,but if someone actually made a guide that covers all of this,no one would ask for a move tutorial anymore(which is good).
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Did you fail to link the guide, or are you saying that this is one? You've confused me.

I'm saying this is one, and should be stickied.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time