Originally Posted by VelocityX View Post
K well, im not sure what you think box but how about we use the clan bank money to get those who dont have a head texture a...head texture?

If a legitamite reason is supplied, I don't really see why not.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Yeah the only thing im worried about with doing that would be if they decide to leave like....straight away when they get the tc...
just make sure that, when if/when you give it out, you post something on here that says they have to agree not to do that, and then if they DO run off you can get some of the higher ups to deal with it.
u mad tho :)
Yeah, we could do that but it would be hard. Im thinking it would just be better to use for tourneys and things like that. Things that the whole clan can take part in.