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My First Mod - Club'n'Shield
This might not be the most exciting (or original!) mod, but I have taken time to balance it and make it as fun to play as possible.

So I present:


Uke and Tori have a metal club and a metal shield. Use them to attack and defend.

The final mod varied a bit from my initial goals, although obviously the club is a weapon and the shield is a....shield, playing it I actually found getting around using the shield and the sword was pretty fun too, especially attacking with the sword while setting yourself up for a kick.

As I said, I spent a lot of time fine-tuning things, friction, gravity, the power of certain joints and the size of Uke's shoes (this made a difference!)

As I said, this isn't the most original mod ever, but I find it really good fun never the less. The settings I enjoyed it with the most were:

Rounds: 205/15
Engage Dist: 150

Set the dismember/fracture to your liking, although I was playing with fracture off and Dismember thresh of 100.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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screenshot-14-17-15-36.jpg (9.1 KB, 25 views)
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Lexy-Club_and_Shield.tbm (3.3 KB, 53 views)
hmmmmmm, they're gonna need some armor too, how about you make them have armor like ummmm gauntlets, cuirass, greaves, boots, and a helmet?
Nice Mod there... I like it. It could be improved by making it look more like a club. My thoughts about it are love
Life's a Game... Play!
re: Making it look more like a shield -

I've seen it written here by one of the prominent modders that you can either have looks, or functionality - i've gone with the latter. Quite apart from the fact that the club is made from the hand and as such can only be a "stick" or a "sphere". It's thinner because I wanted it made from metal so you could bring it down with more force, but I had to balance that off with the force it'd generate as you swung it which could send uke or tori off-balance and just have them topple over (this is also why their shoes are bigger!)

So I could have it look more like a club, in so far as it being bigger, but it wouldn't play as well. And it still wouldn't look that much like a club.

Perhaps I should call it Lexy's Stick'n'Shield instead...
Originally Posted by Scarvan View Post
hmmmmmm, they're gonna need some armor too, how about you make them have armor like ummmm gauntlets, cuirass, greaves, boots, and a helmet?

Extra protection? I'd rather see them get totally battered myself!
I see. Well I just noticed the "Club" and Shield arms come off if you swing them to hard and that just got annoying
Life's a Game... Play!