Original Post
DeDeDe's and Canb27's Tori-school
Me and Canb27 are opening a school to help new players or some players who are not very good at a certian mod we will be assigning techers soon. If u need help pls post
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)
hahaha ill help if you need any.

-Add some more information. Like when its "open".
-Some mods you will be teaching.
-how many people can be taught at one time.
-whatever else you can think of, because i just woke up and im completely brain-dead.

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i suck at wushu, but to comeback......


not my school! haha

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

i say myself that i suck in math... but others say im one of the best in class....i dont understand..woops..wrong school..

i suck at comebacks
I if u may pls show replays of the mod ur best at and we might consedier u so pls send
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)
Here will be the list of teachers. There will be more mods as you post what you are good at.

Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)
What teachers im looking for are Wushu Swing and Swords. PLs post if u are good at one of these
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)