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any1 play COD4 on the PC:3

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~ Gal
Oh look, it's my art thread! N-Notice me S-Senpai..
Well, i did, until my old pc Fucked up, but its alot better on Pc than xbox, due to being able to mod, skin, and compile maps together, creating a whole new experience. i believe someone actually modded COD4 to look, have the same guns, play like Cod:WaW.

If i ever get it up and running again, ill hit you up =]
cool cool.....i dont play many things on gamesystems.....mostly cause my friend broke my last xbox 360 >.>.....and my dad broke my first 1......
Oh look, it's my art thread! N-Notice me S-Senpai..
I play it... I'm on the 1.6 patch, though my clan is considering updating to 1.7
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by wes446 View Post
idk wat i play it on.....cause idk if my dad patched it or not :/

open your console by pressing the `/~ button. I should say your patch version in the little console tab that appears on the top of your screen. On the left hand side.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games