Original Post
[Rel]REAL Guns And Driveable Cars! + Special Mods
Ok guys! Heres my latest mod set, ill be working on it through the week so come back regularly to see if ive updated the set! First off, The first workingish guns ever! They DO work, but can be kinda glitchy, theres toripistol, and torishotty, toririfle will be released lateri in the week assuming that the mod wont suck. Then as most of you have seen I made steerable bike mods, well now ive outdone myself! First of all, ROUND WHEELS!!! Who wouldve known they'd work so good? And they're all thanks to TheSorrow. And now a larger variety of vehicles! A 4x4, Boxcarish thing, a bike, or a trike! So what are you waitin for?! Dig in!
And as for the special mod, I made this just recently, mpcatapaults, tori and uke are launched from little catapaults into the air at each other, but you better plan your jump! or you could assplode!
And last... but NOT least, mppsycho! just like the famous shower scene in the movie! But this time uke has come prepared with her trusty instagib soap on a rope! look out psycho! This braud is armed! (Shitty joke.)

Driving Tips:
The easiest way to drive, is to contract pecs, and relax shoulders to grab the steering bar, and turn your chest for a gentle turn, for sharper turns EX: sharp right turn, right rotating chest, extending right pec, contract right elbow, lower right shoulder, contracting left pec, raising left shoulder, and extending left elbow.

This is the pistol!This is the shotty! mpcatapaults! Psycho!!! Dun nuh NUH!!!

And thats all folks! I hope the screenies werent TOO big!
Attached Files
toripistol.tbm (3.7 KB, 637 views)
torishotty.tbm (4.7 KB, 453 views)
steerablecar.tbm (4.8 KB, 326 views)
steerable4wheeler.tbm (3.1 KB, 288 views)
steerabletrike.tbm (3.4 KB, 297 views)
mpcatapaults.tbm (2.3 KB, 265 views)
mppsycho.tbm (6.4 KB, 228 views)
Last edited by PNUT; Oct 16, 2008 at 05:36 AM.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
motor cyclical with the new axis wrists are cool.

nice job!
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Ty, the hard part is making a vehicle WITHOUT thrust.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
Pnut, these mods are best i've seen in some time... there wasn't any good mods in some time but i think your mods will give some people more inspiration :P
nice releaases now I won´t to make car mods you made awesome ones
the guns are good but I will try to better mods
this is incredible seems like you steal my ideas
Toripistol: win
Steerablecar: win
Torishotty: epic win

Love the kick-back on that bad boy. ;)
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