Original Post
Startup Replyas - Varying Abilities
When you first download and open Toribash the first thing you see is hampa kicking Uke's head off. That's all fine and good but for a new player imagine how psychologically demoralizing it is? At first you may be inspired and motivated but when you open single player and find yourself flailing on the floor and incapable to produce anything even vaguely cool you soon give up, say "this is too hard" and let Toribash fall to that dark unused corner of your desktop and later the recycling bin.

I think that Toribash should have, instead of a horde of elite level replays, some beginner and intermediate level replays too. They could be watched in a way that can show the progress of the game as your skill increases and provides easier goals and goals with less space in between. That way beginners can be inspired and hopefully won't give up so soon if at all.
I like this idea quite a lot, actually. I definitely felt that "this is too hard" feeling in the beginning, and I gave up on TB for quite a while because of it. Showing some multiplayer replays would be good, too, to give new players an idea what the multiplayer is like.
I beg to differ with this Idea. To me those starter replays were something i used as a goal to push me to be better. to be like that guy who was so so good. Easy and intermediate replays are lame to see and i doubt any new comer takes the time to look at the beginner replay to see "Oh i can do this and this" No. They only care of how the pros play. Plus, it would be a huge let-down and bore fest for many players if on 4.0 all you saw were lame beginner replays that are just a waste of time.
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Yeah hes right
and it should be like this:
begginer moves in white belt
a better moves in yellow
intermidite on green
keep increasing on belt
he can change that from options
like a list to check:
replays on starter:
whirebelt :√
the idea is he can tick whatever replays on belts he wants
INB4 14 days ban
Replays at startup!
a list of all replays in options that you can choose which replays that comes in the startup
and with the order you want!
Last edited by scorpionma; Sep 10, 2012 at 04:09 PM.
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
I beg to differ with this Idea. To me those starter replays were something i used as a goal to push me to be better. to be like that guy who was so so good. Easy and intermediate replays are lame to see and i doubt any new comer takes the time to look at the beginner replay to see "Oh i can do this and this" No. They only care of how the pros play. Plus, it would be a huge let-down and bore fest for many players if on 4.0 all you saw were lame beginner replays that are just a waste of time.

Pretty much the same thing with me. After I became brown belt, I started trying to make replays like the ones in the beginning. They motivated me to learn how this game works. I thought "If they can do it, why can't I?"

Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
he can change that from options
like a list to check:
replays on starter:
whirebelt :√
the idea is he can tick whatever replays on belts he wants

I was thinking something like this. Some replays to benchmark where they're at. Like when you become blue belt and then you unlock some (2-3) replays showing you some things you might be able to do while your at blue belt.
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