Original Post
[Solved] Server
well i made my server i typed /jo maddog
so i wanted to be with colors so i typed /se desc ^05 MaDDoG SeRvEr and it was blue only 1 round and it changed it was just named matter how i change my name of the server it will alweys change back how can i stop that so i dont have to
every round type that command?
oh and some times my server is just not on the list?
what is the problem...i dont understand...
Originally Posted by maddog1233 View Post
oh and some times my server is just not on the list?
what is the problem...i dont understand...

server is auto deleting from the server list when on him aren't players,you can't create a server that willl work everu time.

/set desc ^03 Server name
/set desc ^31 Server ^52 Name
etc. and it work