Hi all! We recently had some great conversations ingame regarding clans so I wanted to post here to share about them.

Firstly, it was brought up that players that play longer mods such as sparring, parkour, etc. are not rewarded adequately in terms of activity points. This is to say that in the eyes of the clan gods (activity analyzer), a quick aikido game and an hour long spar are worth the same. I have brought this up in the appropriate channel and we have been having quality discussions on how best to change this. One of the main suggestions brought up was to treat activity similar to how QI is calculated for longer matches, awarding more for longer matches. If anyone has other suggestions on how they would like to see this changed, feel free to post below or post a suggestion in the S&I thread. Thank you Akina for bringing this up.

Secondly, the idea of compiling an official list of official clan discords could be made. Ele mentioned that having this would be a nice thing in order to organize events as well as just be a positive thing to have around (and it'd be easy). If I have poorly described that, please correct me Ele.

Lastly, I'd like to post here more often with just general updates on clans since I believe them to be the backbone of our community here. If anyone has any other talking points or ideas or complaints, please post them here!

Thanks again to Akina and Ele for the conversation ingame earlier today, looking forward to more of them.


Clan member who participating in game and forum event should be rewarded with activity points too
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Activity check April 7th 2023
Hello everybody, the time has come for another activity check.


As you can see there's a lot of green here! Good job everyone on keeping your clans active.

Special congratulations are in order for our top scoring clans this time around.
Envy with a whopping 99.86 points, not far behind we have Don't Kill My Vibe with 98.26 points, mogul with 89.93 points and Vector with 85.8 points. Well done to these clans and their members, keep it up!

For the bad news...
Four clans are in the red this time: unbound, Tribe, Undead and Panda

Of which we'll be saying goodbye to Undead and Panda. The other two will be receiving activity checks.

That concludes this activity check. Next check will occur on Friday, July 7, 2023.
Last edited by Viddah; Apr 8, 2023 at 12:17 AM.

PM me if you need anything
Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
Marvellous, so what prize do we win for second most active official clan?

toribash next nft
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Activity check July 7th 2023
Well hello again, everyone!

The time for activity check has come once again.

Activity graph

As you can see, green is the dominant color this time around. As such I'd like to congratulate you all for staying active and keeping the game fun :]

Special congratulations (as always) are in order for our top four clans!
the munches with a massive point tally of 103.03, Don't kill my Vibe with 102.23, Envy with 100.3 and Damned with 99.3.
Great job guys, keep it up!

No one will be receiving a warning this time, though unfortunately we will be saying goodbye to unbound.

That should do it for this check, next one will be done on Saturday, October 7th

PM me if you need anything