Original Post
this thread is for the people who got beef with other players ob toribash (put im this order )
1.) name
2.) what they did
3.) why u don't like them
4.) what should we do about it
Last edited by plomaster2; Mar 31, 2009 at 02:13 PM.
ok here we go

name: calmdown
what they did: made a useless post
why I don't like him: I like him, just not what he did.
what we shoul do about it? closed.

no that was a joke. but like what if someone has a problem? how would WE fix it? if anyone has a beef with someone report to me,plo or chris and we will fix it for you.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
there was this stupid guy that was a wanna-be leader for KT(kill tactics) and i was in the server i made and when he came in he started saying lets have a clan war. and i said like no(jk not like that but i did say no) and he started sayin all this stuff about are clan sucks and stuff like that

P.S if ur online go to DR
okay we will keep out an eye for him
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say