Original Post
Enemy Request
Enemy Request for Blood by Evolution
Reason: Flaming

Screenshot sent by Tripstone.

Also, do we have enemies?

EDIT: Furthermore, do we have a thread to place or, or might I EDIT the Allies thread to include enemies?
Last edited by evolution6; Sep 5, 2009 at 07:30 PM. Reason: Furthermore
Yea straight out, Blood and Pandora was having a 3 on 3 clan duel but blood had only 2 people so i offered to play for them.

After that Hopea said this shit, thats like a straight fuck you to my clans face calling us racist and shit.

After i helped them they say this? That's so fucking disrespectful calling my clan racist and shit.
We already were official at that point. Also that is a misunderstood joke. Also, I didn't say it like Evolution are racists, more like some of our members might not accept the evolution theory.
Well, having this said and done, I'm ending my intrusion.
Clan Blood Leader
There is this theory called evolution theory. If you don't believe in that you most likely believe in this.
Some say it was the big shiny man with infinite wisdom instead.

E: Also, Idk why it is called evolution theory, even with all the scientifical facts and evidence.
Clan Blood Leader
I believe strongly in evolution, it is certainly not a theory and shouldn't even be a question.
Any man who thinks everything became to be at once is a dupe. Man made God, God didn't make man. God seems to be the center of attention in every system that is destructive to it's own end, it is the system.
Like everyone I have an opinion, I do have some evidence to push it towards a fact. Just look at the common nomenclature of this world.
No offense, and all, but I've heard both sides of this story.
I honestly feel that the blood clan didn't mean anything by their comment-- nothing offensive at least.
It was a joke. While science has shown evolution is more than a mere theory, religion is something just as sacred. And so, the ideas clash, and war. But the joke was harmless; I feel that it was horribly misinterpreted. Not only that, but it was a pretty clever pun, and I had a good laugh when I read it.
There's much need for a giant icebox here, as everyone needs to cool down a little bit. I mean seriously; "Evolution may be against some members religion"? That's NOT even an insult. It's not like they were saying your clan was an insult in and of itself. They were simply saying that the "Theory of Evolution" (Yes, that is what it's called) is against religious belief. As the clan name is "Evolution", it's clear that the joke was simply played off of a pun.
Originally Posted by evolution6 View Post
I believe strongly in evolution, it is certainly not a theory and shouldn't even be a question.
Any man who thinks everything became to be at once is a dupe. Man made God, God didn't make man. God seems to be the center of attention in every system that is destructive to it's own end, it is the system.
Like everyone I have an opinion, I do have some evidence to push it towards a fact. Just look at the common nomenclature of this world.

...actually I almost should be offended because evolution6 seems to think that I do not believe in evolution (theory! I know it's stupid to add the theory but I've been taught it that way!). I do believe in evolution (theory!) and the "alternative option" by most religions fails even to the "Chuck Norris" theory. That is my opinion.
To make things clear: I'm actually an atheist, but I (usually) do respect each and every persons faith, as long as there are not negative points on me.

Also evolution6: I understand you want to stand up for your clan, but if there is any problem here, it is between me and Tripstone, who btw hasn't said a single word about this to me.

But anyways, good night.

E: Actually I just said that I believe in evolution theory. There really isn't much place for "believing" in cold hard evidence. Well I can't think of a better way to say it so so be it.
Good night for real this time.
Clan Blood Leader