Original Post
Fantastic world of spars
I decided to become better at sparring and stuff.I hope someone could give me some advice in what to improve.
Enjoy! (or not) :L
Attached Files
Kevin - S - Hayz.rpl (558.5 KB, 52 views)
Kevin mah brother
Dat is sexy
Lovin the kicks 10/10
Last edited by thesteele; Dec 29, 2011 at 02:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Very nice spar kevin although you could improve on more realism, Because when you were kicked in the head you should have stumbled back a bit or fuck up the punch or something like that, because in real life if you get kicked in the head well i doubt you could throw a nice punch without tripping.
♥ mushu♥
Aaahhh... I said to don't post.
Anyway, passed here to say that I've enjoyed our spar and I'm looking forward to next.
You need to take more advantage of some moves in order to achieve more speed... and, as you may know, more speed = better in most of the cases.
Not just spars but also some parkour.
This was Kevin's first serious try to a MP parkour and my first time to complete a parkour in MP. A special replay, indeed.

Posted with permission from Kevin.
I'm sorry for the terrible replay name but I'm kinda like that.
Attached Files
hayz - pkr.rpl (1.07 MB, 15 views)