Original Post
All "blue" players have my colors?
This started happening just recently, in all replays, singleplayer, and multiplayer and the blue players look just like me without the head text

Does anyone know how to fix/turn this off?
------------------------->TEH PARTY PAGE<--------------

1. goto your toribash folder in programs on your hard drive

2. select the custom folder (loadsa ppls names with files will show)

3. search around for a players folder that may be a nub, have no inventory or inactive go into the folder and select the file item.dat copy it. (if there is more than three files i suggest you choose another persons folder)

4.then go back to the custom folder and find the Uke folder go into there.

5. paste item.dat then restart TB

6. if uke has an iv on him i suggest you use another persons item.dat in the custom folder. find a player with no inv!

if that doesnt work re install TB

hope that helps!
Hu loves orangesoda?
Um, there's a much easier way than that, Orangesoda.

Follow the first two steps.

Then, find Uke's custom folder.
Delete the item.dat.
Restart TB.

That'll do it.