Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Isn't that how fighting in real life works? It's like VR boxing except you can kick and move freely.

So basically, it'd be one of the many boxing games available for VR and other motion sensing platforms, except it'd have weird models with useless parts (such as joints), and a decade old engine. Plus, some of your body parts fall off when you get hit.

Realistically, not only would it be extremely difficult to make, it would be entirely pointless. I don't know how you can't see that.

I can only see this working if it was like a boxing simulator with unmoving legs. Having a fully mobile tori isn't possible
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Let's make this more interesting and administer a large shock that temporarily paralyzes your body parts whenever they get knocked off! Woo, fun fun!

The problem here is that in order to make a very functional vr version of toribash, it would not only have to be well... not toribash, but with such a small team it would take a VERY long time.
I think I might be retired.