Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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New Zealand File Sharing Bill
Recently the government of NZ have passed a file sharing bill, which basically is if you are accused of downloading, or "pirating" copyrighted material, you are "guilty until proven innocent" and you are eligible to be questioned by your ISP and possibly be kicked off the internet for 6 months and can receive a huge fine of $15,000. So if I lived in NZ and downloaded a song, that would be about 1 dollar AUD on iTunes, but I torrent it, I could be fined for $15,000. And if I was accused I would get the exact same consequence unless I'm proven innocent. Why do you guys think the law was passed so fast? I have no idea why.


And there has been a facebook protest called New Zealand Black out. Here's the page if your interested. http://www.facebook.com/#!/NZBlackout

Last edited by BabiesInABlender; Apr 19, 2011 at 04:14 AM. Reason: .

How do you stop a baby from crawling around?

That's pretty harsh, they must really not want people pirating over there any more.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Originally Posted by BabiesInABlender View Post
Recently the government of NZ have passed a file sharing bill, which basically is if you are accused of downloading, or "pirating" copyrighted material, you are "guilty until proven innocent" and you are eligible to be questioned by your ISP and possibly be kicked off the internet for 6 months and can receive a huge fine of $15,000. So if I lived in NZ and downloaded a song, that would be about 1 dollar AUD on iTunes, but I torrent it, I could be fined for $15,000. And if I was accused I would get the exact same consequence unless I'm proven innocent. Why do you guys think the law was passed so fast? I have no idea why.

If you steal 1000 dollars you are obligated to do more than just pay 1000 dollars back. To imply this is horribly unfair and victimizing is laughable.
As for the guilty until proven innocent, I don't know how you could be accused without clearly being guilty to begin with. I would also like to see a citation of this, please.
I assume the bill was passed so quickly because everybody agreed to it.

Originally Posted by BabiesInABlender
And there has been a facebook protest called New Zealand Black out. Here's the page if your interested. http://www.facebook.com/#!/NZBlackout

I'll pass.

Originally Posted by EpicFailDude View Post
Alas, the first domino of internet freedom tumbles down.

How unfortunate.
I was hoping internet freedom would expand, so we could burgle people's houses over the web.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Apr 19, 2011 at 07:48 AM. Reason: Added another reply.
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