Original Post

Fill out the form below and post in THIS thread.

What belt are you?
How long have you been playing?
What sever do you play on most?
Have you been in any other clans?
Do you know anybody in [Epic]?

Before considering our clan know that you must
A) Be active in-game
B) Be active in-forum
C) Have a good attitude (e.g no slagging others)

If accepted in this thread you will be tested by myself, or a layer [Epic] member. Testing takes place in two (2) servers.
1) A mod of your choice (Black belts must be able to fight in it- no blue belt servers)
2) A mod of your testers choice (generally a sambo style/ dojo style)
The amount of fights is at your testers discretion.
After being accepted you have 24hrs to reply in THIS thread what time you are available (Dont say now) e.g 8:00pm gmt and what server you wish to fight in

Applications will be reviewed as soon as possible.
All Applications are considered on a case by case basis.
Being a black belt in game or above a junior member on the forum will greatly increase your chances of getting in.
Lying will not be tolerated and will lead to denial.
Once a decision has been made regarding your application you will have twenty-four (24) hours to reply to the thread or be denied.

Holmes- [Epic]Recruiter
Last edited by Sherlok; Jul 29, 2008 at 08:45 AM.
Dont Kid Yourself That A Fight Is About Causing Damage, Worry About How It Affects You...
very good great that you made a new one the other one was crowded but im'a keep an eye on it if anyone post in it.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
What belt are you? 2 Dan black belt

How long have you been playing? 4 months

What sever do you play on most? 99 and 20

Have you been in any other clans? Soulless , DSC

Do you know anybody in [Epic]? my friend Enaglia 9 dan
..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
dude no one worded post. just edit your post
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
What belt are you? I'm a blue belt.
How long have you been playing? im not sure, i think around a year or something. idk
What sever do you play on most? i'll play on any server, but i like servers with Twinswords4 most.
Have you been in any other clans? i was in [OMAGA].
Do you know anybody in [Epic]? I do not.
Blackoutt: Acepted

I think i said this in the old thread...

Read first post on testing^. You have 24hrs to reply
Dont Kid Yourself That A Fight Is About Causing Damage, Worry About How It Affects You...