epicly funny

This saturday evening i shall celebrate the birthdays of my parents and someone else at the same time making it
so yeah
big party
and me and a friend playing computer games drunk
gonna be fun \o/
I wish I could beat up women in bear costumes on weekends.... I would pick a new bear costume, and a new woman every weekend.
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Originally Posted by Slith View Post
I wish I could beat up women in bear costumes on weekends.... I would pick a new bear costume, and a new woman every weekend.

Thats how you know you are successful, once you can do that every weekend. Its like putting on a new pair of socks every day.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Its like putting on a new pair of socks every day.

Yep. Its a good feeling to walk in some fresh socks every day, I can tell.
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