Original Post
Folders within folders for replays
So recently I've been cleaning up all the random replays I have and putting them into folders, and I realized that I have so many different folders that even that has become a bit confusing. I also have a billion different replays in each one of them, so inside the folder has also become very cluttered. The folders for replays implication was extremely helpful, but adding sub-folders within those would make organization so much simpler.

Basically, we would be able to put as many different folders inside the original folder, and do that with the other folders that are inside, and so on. There could maybe be a limit on how many times you can put a folder inside a folder, but that is something the staff can decide if they do implement this.

I personally (and I would assume other people do this too) organize my replays by what mod it is in. I play abd a lot, so my folder for that has a lottt of replays. I try to organize them a bit by their name but I still have a lot of trouble trying to find specific replays because there are so many. Having different sub-folders inside of other folders could help make it easier to organize and find different replays.

So I think this could be very beneficial to a lot of people, and those who don't want it don't have to use it. It also does not seem very hard to implement since they already created the option to add folders in the first place which you couldn't do before.

Closing this thread. Mafia has made a new thread incorporating all these ideas plus many others, so go check that one out here.
Last edited by Budsi; Jan 11, 2017 at 08:53 PM.