Original Post

Clan Rules:
1. Adress people with the rank Officer with Sir or their Rank
2. Show respect to all members
3. Post here in our clans forum for at least 5 times a week

General Rules
1. No Spamming
2. No Flaming
3. No Swearing (keep to minimum)
4. No Double Posting
5.Weekly activity is required

Breaking any rules will recieve a warning and then be kicked.


1.Dont demand respect from the team - earn it.
2.There may be times when you have to take stick from a member - bare it.
3.You only get one chance to get a good reputation - earn it and keep it!
Last edited by Rickysan; Jan 28, 2011 at 07:27 AM.
If your Mum calls you a son of a bitch, is it ok to tell her she's right?