Original Post
Ikariam users

What is this organization about:

This organization will join all the players of ikariam and toribash, we will discuss about ikariam, and at the same time, we can present our self ( Ikariam User ), and obiousley we are gonna trade things.
We will have the chance of present our cities ( not -mandatory ).

Application Form:

Toribash username:
2nd Dan black belt
Age: (not - mandatory)
Ikariam usename:
How long have you been playing Ikariam:
I dont remember the exact date.
Any Alliance:
Tarmon Gaidon

How are your city/s call: Killing, blood and polis
Coordinates of your main city:
x - 91 y - 48
Level of Town hall in your main city:
(not mandatory)
Why do you want to join as: I love Ikariam, and I would like to be part of the discussion and trading.
Infractions: ( not mandatory).
Are you active in forum: yes I am



Senior Members


For you to go higher on the list, you have two options, the first one is being active and the second one is donating to the organization, 5k - 1 ikariam point, being very active - 1 ikariam point, depends on your points, how you are in the list.

Donate too: ikbank