Original Post
Amazing Boxing
Here is my boxing replay with dismemberment threshold set to 100. Can anyone do better than that? Post your replays here.

The other replays are just thrown in for fun. One is a glitched replay where the other character stops midair and Juntalis keeps moving. Its kind of cool looking.
Attached Files
amazingboxing4.rpl (146.9 KB, 71 views)
onlineglitch.rpl (1.02 MB, 46 views)
bullhorns.rpl (67.3 KB, 59 views)
Re: Amazing Boxing
haha nice amazing boxing. ive recantly taken up the intrast on boxing i can only make dope replays with dismemberment set to 70 tough. lol
Re: Amazing Boxing

I like the bullhorns when you do the helicopter dismemberment arm twist thingy :o
Re: Amazing Boxing
that is one awesome box! gonna save it be the first thing i see on my toribash when i open it up
How do you do it? it looks so perfect... and hard...
Re: Amazing Boxing
Shouldn't you not be allowed to grip in boxing?

All of my good punch replays have gripping, so I wouldn't call them boxing. I'll attach one anyway.

Uppercut Uke's head off. There's some nice enter the dragon sort of fist shaking going on prior to the hit. I think I had the dismemberment threshhold at 150.
Attached Files
headUppercut2.rpl (33.7 KB, 29 views)
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Re: Amazing Boxing
to both dafe and patrick

and what happened with the online glitch?
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: Amazing Boxing
Here's another good one. Not really polished, no cool pose follow up.

Second replay's a good pose to make up for it.
Attached Files
chestPunch.rpl (33.6 KB, 22 views)
poseeeeeeee.rpl (69.8 KB, 20 views)
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."