On the topic of nuthug, do you know if his old set is for sale?? (The titan one?)
1. does Nuthug still play?
2. if so, does he play for fun or does he only duel.
3.if he duels, what is his price range.
5. what mods he plays
4. finally where can i find him.

1. He rarely plays, I never saw him in-game. He makes replays.
2. He plays for fun.
3. I don't think he does.
4. Go to the clan RAWR board.

hope that helped.

Edit: off now, will be back later on.
thx man yah it answered all my questions...if i want to play him just gotta keep on wishing. and i will.
how do you sell somethin' on the market?
i haven't played tori bash in ages and i forget how to sell stuff.
Last edited by drdark56; Mar 5, 2011 at 06:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump