Original Post
Cannot think of a decent title for this thread
Our competitive nature has kind of, hit a standstill, so I reckon it's time to organize a proper war. Not with [Hunters] as I am sure you all assumed. Something more challenging.

Or we could just take the [Hunters] to hell and back. Whaddya say?
Echomarine 4 the win
Mash them till they're unable to speak then make them eat dirt with their un-moving mouths
I am ze Spy. You know, hiding won't save you.
If we face another clan what happened with RA might happen again, however fighting Hunters might give us a warm up and I'm sure they'll be dieing to prove that they can last at least a few frames without getting decaped
Lol nice one fist, and am with him about that, *cough*EASY MONEY*cough*.
Last edited by OldBean; Nov 27, 2008 at 09:08 AM.