Original Post
I want in :D
Hey guys im T0astman (Obv)

You probablly all know me.
Im a Blackbelt Going on 2nd Dan.
I like Judo and Kickboxing.
Ive had alot of experience with clans.

Hopefully you will see me around to test me.

Im active most of the time. Thanks.

I will talk to jam, parker and hyper about this. But i suppose you have my consent for the time being. (Providing you don't screw it up(which i doubt you will.))
Toast you should just take a break from clans for a while. You have tried to get in 3 clans in like the last 2 days.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
LOL how did u think that?

well tell us some times that you are usually on, and perhaps an msn name if you have one so we can organise a "test"
[email protected]

4:51AM here ill be on till 11:30am Gotta go to dentist (Stupid badl guy -.-) Then ill either be beack on or pass out x]

And i though invite only cause it was just one of those clans that doesnt have a huge amount of members if you get what im saying like SXC has alot of member that not a invite.

MAD i dont think has alot of members cause its invite only.