it's difficult to choose due to them both having pros and cons, but I think I like the third one more
the second one I feel continues the replay a little better, but movement becomes messy when you initially encounter uke again. first knee dm looks like you were going for an ankle dm and gave up after 5 mins. the overall overuse of grabs looks less like a stylistic choice and more like a lack of confidence in your ability to effectively keep uke afloat (as not much is done with the grabs that couldn't have been done without them) and the cop-out grab at 80 frames I feel ruins that particular section of the replay because being able to flow into an explosive kick on demand would be much more satisfying tho the dms are decent, but with a grab higher up on the chest joint you very likely could have gotten that and one of the hips in the same kick as a bonus
the third replay I think you struggle a bit more with continuing from the place where you edited and the first glute-hip kick is very whatever but the idea of kneeing the hip dm and kicking the knee is so creatively interesting and I quite like that hit, you also catch the torso piece pretty well (butchered your lumbar and there is some twitching tho), grab dm for the glute is lame not worth it and imo I would have much rathered you kept it intact because it was basically free anyway with the kick you got afterwards, and it dismembering there would have made the final strike that much more explosive looking (but it was still pretty cool) and on the topic of the final hit I really like how you went about repositioning your grab to a more ideal location, lots of people forget to do this and wonder why they get a right shoulder and left pec dm from a 5 dm setup, I also like how you counterrotated your entire body to make the hit that much more explosive but the pose leaves something to be desired
the parkour replay crashes whenever I open it because I guess they wanted to make DoubleIt a real feature in this game in the form of it being a coinflip whether the replay opens or not so I can't say anything on it