Weekend Bash
  • More accurate when accumulating points from wars.
  • Search function for easier access to the clan pages
  • War system that awards a static number of points per win
  • A general set of achievements for clans.
  • A better equation for ranking the clans based off of their points.
  • A feature that tells you how many people are IN the clan listed on the main clan page.
  • A way to see your clan's ranking next to/underneath the clan name under the avatar.
Last edited by Wolfe; Aug 17, 2012 at 04:02 AM.
- Automated wars. Say I'm fighting Wolfe in a clan war. I lose. Instead of me having to /sp and the next player /en to continue the war, this should be done automatically. Fighting order would be set up before the war. There could also be a variable set for "max wins" so if someone wins too many times, they get cycled out and the next player brought in.

- War timer. Instead of having to check when the war started and figuring out when it will end, a command, such as "/wartime" that displays the time remaining. If possible, even a timer in the lower right corner that counts down to the end of the war.

- Allow official clans to have an official server where TC is earned for each win. Only members of the clan are allowed to join this server. If you all don't have the server capacity for this (and I'm guessing you don't), allow the clan to provide its own server, that is, set up another computer as a server. I'm not entirely sure how the communication between the server and the TB system would work in this setup, but if it could be made to work, I would love to see this feature included.
-Official clan members should have access to private board without the use of a password

-Clan colors. New official clans would choose a color to represent their clan; their forum names would be changed to that color and their in-game clan tags

-This is slightly off-topic, but a customizable homepage, that way you can put your clan board at the homepage and not have to surf through Clan Discussions>Official Clans>X
I think it would be beneficial to have slight amount of judgement by the clan board whether or not a clan should be accepted for unofficial toriclan. It's just like applying for official toriclan, but this will allow for higher quality clans and less likelihood that future issues involving the clan would erupt later.
If there's any way to measure the average time a clan plays ingame on a daily or weekly basis that'd be a cool feature to display.
"Average ingame activity of a clan"
I already asked Fish about and he said it'd be hard or something along those lines but I'll post it here anyway so at least it's recorded.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
If there's any way to measure the average time a clan plays ingame on a daily or weekly basis that'd be a cool feature to display.
"Average ingame activity of a clan"
I already asked Fish about and he said it'd be hard or something along those lines but I'll post it here anyway so at least it's recorded.

Just because I like stealing ideas... Maybe a feature that allows the official clans to choose between "In-game Active", "Forum Active", or "Both"
posting in official clans by ranks
rank 1 could post anything and edit posts
rank 2 could post and delete posts
rank 3 could only post
rank 4 could post only 200 words and 2 replays per hour
those were only examples but get the idea!
oh and:
Auto Goals:
and list of goals that the admin can put and they auto check and those be listed on main clan page
PS:the admin can still add his goals but he must check them himself
THis work only for official!
Last edited by scorpionma; Aug 18, 2012 at 02:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Dont clan wars have rules like ( no shoves ).. if its possible Gms should watch the clan matches to make sure this doesnt happen.