Weekend Bash
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Replacing ErthTK
I think the mod ErthTK should be replaced with Judofrac.

It is awful, people literally spectate to avoid playing the mod. I think many more people would enjoy Judofrac or maybe a different mod rather than ErthTk.
Originally Posted by Thugs View Post
Can you explain how erthtk is awful?

Not a long enough mod to determine any skill, you have one attack maybe two to get points and even then most of the game you are dealing with dms and dq.\

You get similar results from Jousting, you hope your first strike in TK lands some damage and if for some chance it doesnt you try a counter and by the time thats done the game is almost over.
I used to hate TK for this very reason. But then I learned there is a certain way to play it. And also if you keep fighting through the whole match you can always turn the table. I like Erthtk

Originally Posted by NinjaBee View Post
I used to hate TK for this very reason. But then I learned there is a certain way to play it. And also if you keep fighting through the whole match you can always turn the table. I like Erthtk

The rare times you can turn the tables is not worth it.
It feels like ErthTK becomes a topic of competitive discussion every year around the time WC or CL takes place. It makes sense, it's a mod that has really always been in the rotation and nobody since came up with a better alternative to competitive TK.

Usually the mod doesn't get much attention, but when it's time for major comp events people are suddenly excited to see how the players match up in TK. As an example, the last match of WC, in the finals, was just a masterclass on how TK is supposed to be played and I really think you should watch it! click here. I feel you, there is a level to this mode that most casual players never really pick up on. It's the minute details of hold/relax to avoid dms, or even getting the right angle on the grab that ensures a better potential for dms. While it seems lucky at most times, I can assure you there is a a reason for every dm, and those that really took the deep dive to understand the mod came out as better players in general.

As for spectating out mods, that can be the case for any mod. There are a few competitive players that love TK, and consider it a good mod, while others are hating on lenshu saying that rk would be a better choice for ranked/whatever. All preference after all, you don't want a mod you're bad in to be in the ranked rotation or CL/WC mod list. As for removing the mod entirely, there really isn't any alternative that would make sense. Replacing it with JudoFrac is like going from jousting, as you compared, to an actual coin toss. While not as often, I do hear good things about ErthTK, but the only thing I hear constantly about JudoFrac is that it's simply an upper edge for players to luck out on the better ones. I guess it could get added at some point to the rotation, but I'd just wait for yet another suggestion, from a different player, to remove this luck-based mod out of any rotation.
thickest pole in the game.
Originally Posted by melrose View Post
It feels like ErthTK becomes a topic of competitive discussion every year around the time WC or CL takes place. It makes sense, it's a mod that has really always been in the rotation and nobody since came up with a better alternative to competitive TK.

Usually the mod doesn't get much attention, but when it's time for major comp events people are suddenly excited to see how the players match up in TK. As an example, the last match of WC, in the finals, was just a masterclass on how TK is supposed to be played and I really think you should watch it! click here. I feel you, there is a level to this mode that most casual players never really pick up on. It's the minute details of hold/relax to avoid dms, or even getting the right angle on the grab that ensures a better potential for dms. While it seems lucky at most times, I can assure you there is a a reason for every dm, and those that really took the deep dive to understand the mod came out as better players in general.

As for spectating out mods, that can be the case for any mod. There are a few competitive players that love TK, and consider it a good mod, while others are hating on lenshu saying that rk would be a better choice for ranked/whatever. All preference after all, you don't want a mod you're bad in to be in the ranked rotation or CL/WC mod list. As for removing the mod entirely, there really isn't any alternative that would make sense. Replacing it with JudoFrac is like going from jousting, as you compared, to an actual coin toss. While not as often, I do hear good things about ErthTK, but the only thing I hear constantly about JudoFrac is that it's simply an upper edge for players to luck out on the better ones. I guess it could get added at some point to the rotation, but I'd just wait for yet another suggestion, from a different player, to remove this luck-based mod out of any rotation.

JudoFrac was a simple solution, I enjoy it because the frames are longer and I don't believe it to be as coin toss. Ive had many good games with other good players, so I believe it is a viable option.

However, why does it have to be a new mod why not create a more competitive mod that hits all needs.