Link8 b trollin'
link8: why you gotta be so mean

tEYEngo: Because I am mean


link8: me even leaves CnC on your threa
link8: d
tEYEngo: Nah actually you're just too much of an idiot to deserve staying at #ormo.
tEYEngo: Your CnC sucks.
link8: nooo
link8: it's the truth
link8: besides
link8: I'm not an idiot
tEYEngo: Can you prove it please ?
link8: right
tEYEngo: Also acting smartass won't work
link8: ask me any muiltply 9 problems
link8: you do know what 9 time tables are right?
tEYEngo: Dude I'm not talking about math
link8: what the?
link8: how?
link8: ahhh
link8: no I'm not an idiot
link8: I just act like it
link8: cause
link8: I be bored
tEYEngo: And that proves that you are the biggest idiot on this eaerth
link8: and it's amusing to see you shout at me or say. What
link8: the
link8: fuck
link8: man
link8: ?
tEYEngo: When a smart guy irl acts idiotic in the internet, he's either stupid or trying to sound stupid.
tEYEngo: And he thinks it's funny
link8: *Tsk. No it doesn't being an idiot means you are not smart. In saying you are slow which means you are incapably of learning fast.
tEYEngo: When people laugh
tEYEngo: But people actually aren't lauhging with him they are laughing at him.
link8: Exactly. Like a clown
tEYEngo: And clowns are stupid.
link8: never the less it is amusing to the other person which make him does that to amek him laugh
link8: *make
tEYEngo: Doesn't ring a bell.
link8: if everyone ignored his idioticness he wouldn't act like an idiot
link8: But if people keep paying attention to him and if it's amusing to him he will keep doing it to make HIM laugh
tEYEngo: Hmm so you're going to act smart wwhen we ignore you ?
link8: to make his day amusing
tEYEngo: We tried that
link8: depends
tEYEngo: We tried.
tEYEngo: Idiot.
link8: you didn't try hard enough
tEYEngo: But we found that your idiocy is amusing
tEYEngo: So we stopped trying
link8: If you stop trying then I will keep doing it
tEYEngo: I would really unban you if I had any idea how to unban
link8: ah does this not register in your brain?
link8: It is obviously not that complicated to understand.
tEYEngo: I would understand everything if you know how to explain.,
link8: Maybe you need to learn how to understand simple statements.
link8: Gah whatever you're just a dickhole
link8: lets just leave it at that
link8: .
tEYEngo: I don't need to learn to understand simple statements just to understand your shitty simple statement that is explaining why an idiot acts like an idiot.
link8: ....
link8: Yea you obviously wasn't reading what I said and judging what you think into my words
link8: so yea your a dickhole lets just leave it at that.
tEYEngo: I'd take that as a compliment thanks.
link8: No problem
tEYEngo: After all that shit, I think that calling you an idiot makes you feel better.
link8: I really didn't care
link8: But I only stay in ORMO to get my replays tested
tEYEngo: And laughed at.
link8: I didn't even say anything to you and you just kept kicking me an banning me
link8: exactly why you're a dickhole
tEYEngo: Thansk agan
link8: End of this discussion.
link8: No problem
tEYEngo: Also it's not the end