Weekend Bash
Original Post
League of Legends (LoL)
You can join the game by clicking this link and filling out your account information!

League of Legends is a MOBA that is the most popular game in the world, and there are 67 million active monthly players as of (12/29/2017).

The gameplay revolves around two teams of five with a common goal to destroy the enemy team's nexus.

Toribash IGNs (Toribash IGN - LoL IGN):

North America (NA) Server

Europe West (EUW) Server

Europe Nordic & East (EUNE) Server

Brazil (BR) Server

Oceania (OCE) Server

Garena Sever

useful moba lingo

brief explanation on roles

Last edited by TyZi; Jan 6, 2018 at 05:20 AM. Reason: updated a ton of outdated/wrong information & IGNs
Was hoping for a LoL thread. Added myself to the list.

After my first game with morgana, I like her but she's not really my play style. I was looking into Amumu.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Amumu is okay, I got to play him either last week or the week before that when he was on the free trial.

You should try out Fiddlesticks, his 2nd spell is called drain and basically can take out 1000+ HP and convert it to yourself, it's great for start game ganks and amazing when you use his ult to teleport to people then use both the spells at the same time.

Ryze is completely overpowered, with the right equips I can one hit combo people at end-game when they have around 3k+ hp.

Look into the melee characters that don't use mana too, they are good.
Last edited by Lume; Jul 24, 2012 at 08:43 PM.
I'm going to start playing because my friend does and HoN is going retail, Krigare ingame.

Probably gonna try nunu, ryze, and warwick.

EDIT: oh look ryze is op as shit, nevermind. maybe I'll try sion

screw that, I like kennen. :>
Last edited by Megadoomer; May 4, 2010 at 05:04 AM.
add me as shortyish on the list

anyway, i like having something to work towards instead of having all of the heroes handed to me like in hon.
also, you guys should get singed
hes really fun
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
I'm going to start playing because my friend does and HoN is going retail, Krigare ingame.

Probably gonna try nunu, ryze, and warwick.

EDIT: oh look ryze is op as shit, nevermind. maybe I'll try sion

screw that, I like kennen. :>

Warwick and nunu are really good, nunu doesn't have that many good skills but his ult is really good late game and if you stun with 3rd before you use ult it works even better.

Warrick is great if you focus on attack speed and it will be almost impossible to die if you get the right build.

Adding you guys to the list, we should play later today when I get home from school.

Edit* Damnit chrisdom.
I won a game with Gragas, He's REALLY good. Still not quite my play style though. Loving LoL right now.

Some sites for LoL.


Great guides, builds etc.

Originally Posted by Lume View Post

Edit* Damnit chrisdom.

[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
My last match I was doing really good but I didn't quite buy HP and resist items, I ended up raiding their base and he ult'ed me and pushed me into the two towers that defender his main structure.

He is pretty good though.
hehe wait for this thread ^^
i play often Mordekaiser Ryze or Warwick !
add me my name is AxelTheLitis95 ^^
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