Weekend Bash
i would also highly suggest you look up some stuff on youtube to find something you would enjoy and look up champions that you may find interesting. the ingame tutorial is complete trash and will teach you nothing
you will die alot.
you will question why you even play this game.
you will get flamed. ALOT
people will report you for beeing a beginner - like they havent started somewhere?

dont worry

youll find a role you enjoy and there are many champions that are vastly different
it may take a long time until you finally settle somwhere

look at me
started ADC - turns out i am completely trash at it and its still the most difficult role for me
after that support - a nice role overall. but i just liked a different role more
and thats Jungle - basically a second support that gets the lanes ahead while getting himself ahead aswell
you also get flamed for everything. even if it isnt your fault
Last edited by Jaker; Aug 29, 2023 at 11:37 PM.
Holy crap this thread is huge! I wouldn't reccomend this game to anyone. This game stole two years of COVID from me. It's the game closest resembling a drug in terms of addiction. It's why Koreans love it in lieu of most drugs since they're illegal over there. I mostly played in in discord in VC with buddies but it was still insufferable. Destroys any sort of conversation and half the time ended up with us berating each other. Game actually turns people rabid. It's not fun but you'll have a compulsion to play it. Why don't you guys just play Toribash instead? It's better in every way.
Originally Posted by gunop View Post
Holy crap this thread is huge! I wouldn't reccomend this game to anyone. This game stole two years of COVID from me. It's the game closest resembling a drug in terms of addiction. It's why Koreans love it in lieu of most drugs since they're illegal over there. I mostly played in in discord in VC with buddies but it was still insufferable. Destroys any sort of conversation and half the time ended up with us berating each other. Game actually turns people rabid. It's not fun but you'll have a compulsion to play it. Why don't you guys just play Toribash instead? It's better in every way.

I know you are working hard to not get me to play it, but this makes me want to play even more.

Originally Posted by gunop View Post
Holy crap this thread is huge! I wouldn't reccomend this game to anyone. This game stole two years of COVID from me. It's the game closest resembling a drug in terms of addiction. It's why Koreans love it in lieu of most drugs since they're illegal over there. I mostly played in in discord in VC with buddies but it was still insufferable. Destroys any sort of conversation and half the time ended up with us berating each other. Game actually turns people rabid. It's not fun but you'll have a compulsion to play it. Why don't you guys just play Toribash instead? It's better in every way.

I understand that.
i have some friends that only wanna play solo/duo every time we arent with 3 or more people. And sometimes they play champions they havent played before - why even play solo/duo if they are mostlikely to lose their lane? (most of them care about their rank in solo/duo)
So i tell them that i wont play with them solo/duo if they pick something new or something they havent played in ages
so we usually play flexi or normals which i dont really care about - thus i dont get tiltet if they get behind

Of course they lose sometimes while playing their mains, but so do i. And as long as i have a winrate >55% iam fine with that

Gman: I also recommend only playing like 2-3 champions MAX if you want to climb the fastest. these champions will change alot during your first 50-200? matches. take your time
you certainly need alot of it. Iam not kidding

to get started i would recommend playing Garen Top or Lux mid/support they are ''easy'' but are incredible strong especially in lower elos and they are great for learning the basics. i would not touch adc or jungle unless you have played a few games
Last edited by Jaker; Aug 30, 2023 at 11:06 AM.