Weekend Bash
View Poll Results: What is your religion?
63 Votes / 35.80%
16 Votes / 9.09%
1 Votes / 0.57%
3 Votes / 1.70%
3 Votes / 1.70%
2 Votes / 1.14%
4 Votes / 2.27%
No religion - Atheism
48 Votes / 27.27%
No religion - Agnosticism or similar
27 Votes / 15.34%
I don't know.
9 Votes / 5.11%
Voters: 176. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by WingedGod View Post
Agnostics are generally more "respected" even tho they are the SAME as athiests. someones gonna tell me that there is a difference..to whoever that person may be: Quit lying to yourself lol, they're the same.

an atheist believes in no god
an agnostic does not believe anything at all and just goes with i dunno or i cannot know.
How are you?
I was/still am being raised a Christian. About half a year I ago I finally actually thought about what it was my parents/church was saying was true, read some stuff and etc and decided I don't believe in a God. I've not told any of my family because they're all Christians and since my step mom's death my dad has gone more more extreme Christian so I don't want to cause a shit-storm. I consider myself atheist, though it could be agnostic since if given proof I'd believe in a God. Christianity seems like another santa/easter bunny/other fake dude that's made to give kids something magical to believe in, to me. I probably won't tell my parents until I move out, or they start nagging me about getting baptised and eventually go but whryyy nott??
Last edited by isaac; Apr 3, 2011 at 06:12 AM.
I was born and raised a christian. Started noticing flaws with the bible and things. Went to atheism.
I am a magnificent volcano.
I was a born n' raised athiest. The only good thing communism did imo was secularize society. Of course i've read most of the 'holy' books for fun over the years. Out of those, the bible was my least favorite, as it was like a revamped torah. I read them in order of creation.

I choose to be athiest, and the only book I would consider 'holy' is "Chariot of the Gods" by Erich Von Danikan.
Well I was baptised as a baby, but my parents were never religious at all. I've never really given any major thought to what category I'd fall into. Probably atheism. I don't see any reason to believe in any god.
The same with Dalliance; baptized as a baby, and my parents weren't religious. They sent me to a Christian school where everything is conjoined with Christianity. Math, Science, English, and so on. But I'm more of an atheist.
yeah ok
Baptist, just a branch of Christianity. Influenced by my parents because they are. I don't have any problem with other religions, what ever people believe in is their business. I actually agree/like most religions' beliefs, but Baptist is what I've been raised as. So, naturally I chose this.

Another thing, listening to death metal doesn't make you a Satan worshiper. Just wanted to say that.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Ignostic. I just don't see any reason to argue either side; there's either a god or there isn't and it's not going to affect me. In other words, I don't care.
Last edited by Ryan_old2; Apr 3, 2011 at 08:09 AM.