interesting how western media present the situation so that all of u think as u do.
I don't see how several countries at power justify bombing other countries they do not like: "In order to save civilians we must first kill civilians!" does not sound to me like something anyone at clear mind could accept. But yet u all do.
Don't get me wrong I am not a supporter of Gadafi, but he has done a lot for his country in the past, it was one of the more prosperous African countries, and what is it going to be when this is over? Cheap oil?
If the big powers just let us all be, we would be all much better
Afghan was fucked by the Russians, than USA supported the Taliban so thy can get rid of the Russians, and than they turned against the Talibans. And Afghanistan is fucked now, did know in the 50-60s Afghanistan was a rly nice country to live in?
What about Irak in the 60s?
How about Serbia in the 80s?
I think u should look u're history up. And be a bit more open minded. The things u hear in the news may not be "all truth" and ofc there are all kins of "truths".