Weekend Bash
Original Post
Salad Fingers~
We've all (or most of us, anyway) seen this.

The thing about salad fingers is, it's not just creepy and disturbing, it goes deeper, so deep, infact, that it could take months to work out the full meaning.

What i've got so far is ~ Salad fingers is a young boy whos brothers went off to fight in the war, his parents were killed by bombs but he survived by hiding in a cup-board (as seen in ep. 8, a particularly disturbing episode) and resorting to cannabalism (Ep. 6), but alas, the radiation mutated his brain.

As so he dwells in his insanity, only returning to sanity once, at the end of ep. 5, where he finds a girl who reminds him of his fallen sister, but, he cannot take reality and basically goes insane once again.

Any thoughts/inputs?
Giving us context would be nice (even though a simple google search works as well). I, for one, had/have no idea about who Salad Fingers is.
The whole salad fingers concept is about masterbation. The way he sits in corners stroking things. The one where he puts a netal on his nipple and white stuff comes out. Its obvious.
it's pretty fucked up, thats for sure. Only seen 1 episode, thinking I might as well watch them all...

It's funny how everyone knows Salad Fingers.
Well i thought it was the salad fingers from that new grounds game but hey how could you not go insane when everyone but you in your family dies.
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
That is seriously Creepy wow , but kinda sad to.

Also it seems like he is schizophrenic.
Really Strange and hard to understand the logical part behind those videos , until now i cant see anything that makes sense.
The only thing thats really understandable is that you would get insane if your whole family dies.


The main character is a bald hunchbacked humanoid with light-green skin, and no visible nose or ears, who speaks with a Northern English accent. His long, strangely-shaped fingers are his most notable feature. They were the focus of the first episode of the series, where Salad Fingers is shown getting pleasure from rubbing various objects, particularly rusty metallic ones such as spoons, taps and a kettle. Salad Fingers is unable or purposefully unwilling to distinguish between living beings and inanimate objects, and is frequently found talking to various inert articles (notably his finger puppets and in two cases a human corpse). Furthermore, he often assigns such objects proper names and appears to believe that they can communicate with him directly, sometimes voicing their perceived thoughts himself. He lives alone in a small shack (containing, among other things, an oven, bedroom, safety cupboard, radio, phone, and table) with the number 22 on the door. Salad Fingers appears to be somewhat masochistic, as he can be seen taking pleasure from impaling his finger on a hook or stepping onto a beartrap. His talents include playing the flute and speaking French. It is implied that the desolate world Salad Fingers inhabits is the aftermath of the "Great War", a conflict which is referenced several times in the more recent episodes that may have destroyed the world and the stability of his mind. Interestingly enough, he is quite articulate.

Last edited by affei; Apr 11, 2011 at 07:57 AM.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Wow this is sort of unnerving creepy. Gonna watch some more O.o
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
well, its fucked up, retarted, creepy, scary, gross, and wierd...i love it =D
the toast is powerful, but it can't beat Chuck Norris