<Bloob> Hyde: You closed my thread because you dont like rittu.
<Bloob> Not nice.
<Hyde> I closed it because it doesnt fit in discussion
<JFX> Hyde, its a discussion topic
<Hyde> Nope.
<Bloob> It completely fits there.
<Bloob> Why doesnt it?
18:07 <JFX> As a third-party toribash player, you were out of line in closing that topic
<Hyde> I was not.
<Hyde> Look at every other thread
<Hyde> And look at that thread
<Bloob> Fine then
<Bloob> Reopen it and move it to rapid threads.
<Hyde> It does not fit in discussion
18:08 <Bloob> Can you do that?
<Hyde> Sure.
<Bloob> Ok thanks.
<Bloob> Or even better
<Hyde> Not sure rt is the best place, but the lmods there can deal with it
<Bloob> Off-topic
<Bloob> Hyde ^
<JFX> current discussion threads
<Hyde> Whatever floats your boat ;o
<Bloob> lol
18:09 <JFX> "Banned and sitting in hall of shame"
<JFX> "Racism in toribasH"
<JFX> "Rittu and current false accusations"
<JFX> Pretty much sounds like serious talk to me
<JFX> I consider it exceedingly unprofessional to remove debate about a person you do not care for, Hyde.
<Bloob> ^
<JFX> Childish, even.
18:10 <Hyde> The closed threads
<Hyde> Are dumb people threads
18:11 <Hyde> Thats why they are CLOSED
<rittu> hanz0: hey, you.
<JFX> They were not closed until they had quite a few posts.
<hanz0> Hi rittu
<rittu> hanz0: What do you think about the current local mods of Discussion?
* Bloob claps
<JFX> Infact, if one looks at the evidence, it seems that those threads were closed due to the posts, yet Bloob's was closed due to the topic
I'll address the siku issue first. It does not matter who posted with the account. The account owner is responsible for access to that account. If he lets other users use it, then they open up to the possibility that the user may use the account for unlawful purposes. The ban I gave on siku's account, was not a personal attack towards siku. It was a removal of an offending account. Read as, I don't care who happened to be using the account and I refuse to be biased when dealing with these matters, ex-ninja or not I'll treat his account the same as any user's.
Secondly, rittu's demotion. Don't take this an official note as this thread is the first I have heard on the matter. Admins don't necessarily have a set of rules they must follow whilst doing their job. It's about an un-biased and professional approach towards dealing with the community, be that on IRC, in the forums or in-game. Trolling with ex-staff members is not that. Admins are essentially the link between a regular user and the engineering of the forums as well as the pillars which keep this community standing. As a result, members need to have full confidence in the fact they can be taken seriously and treated fairly. If an admin cannot do that, perhaps he is in the wrong position.
On a side note, Hyde was quite right to move the thread and claiming that he was doing so out of spite is wrong.
You got an old, funny ninja banned.
Yet, you say this like it would have a bearing on the decision to ban siku's account. You're basically arguing against yourself, asking for us to treat siku differently than any other fail troll user then stating the staff need to be un-biased.
About the "Brazilian is not a race" thing
It's about an un-biased and professional approach towards dealing with the community, be that on IRC, in the forums or in-game.