Weekend Bash
Original Post
In general I would say challenge. Not the challenge of the game but the challenge against other players/people.
Especially endless games like WoW are addictive because there is always something to do to become better, stronger, more respected and so on.

Many people also use games to escape reality.
Some do just for the sake of releasing stress or finding someone to communicate with. Others even see them as replacement for a real social life.

In Toribash it's the community. You can find internet friends here easily.
Hardly anyone on IRC still plays toribash actively so I wouldn't say they are addicted to the game itself.
Last edited by Redundant; Apr 11, 2011 at 10:46 AM.
How are you?
Depends on who you are and what age,

i like them flashy, awesome, lots of actions, excelent graphics , but i just play them untill i discover everything the main char can do (thankfully hacks make it easy for must games) , but you see toribash doesnt exactly have a limit on what the tori can do, so yh u get my point, and i can add the flashyness the awesome and excelent graphics my self
Originally Posted by Shemen View Post
Depends on who you are and what age,

i like them flashy, awesome, lots of actions, excelent graphics , but i just play them untill i discover everything the main char can do (thankfully hacks make it easy for must games) , but you see toribash doesnt exactly have a limit on what the tori can do, so yh u get my point, and i can add the flashyness the awesome and excelent graphics my self

The flashy and fun part get boring after a while when you get used to them.
There needs to be something the player wants to achive to keep him playing.
In Toribash that something is probably respect, power and what not most of the time.

Originally Posted by Lindzee View Post
The attractiveness. Does it draw your attention? Thats the main factor.

Nah, attraction is a symptom caused by factors that make people play a game .
How are you?
I find ToriBash addictive because its unique.I've never seen another game like this ever.Its one of a kind.Also I love the community and the achievements and I'm not quitting until I have every single achievement.I also have a lot of goals in this game.
I'd have to say the community mostly. I have tried to leave several times, but the community always seems to draw me back. I also appreciate in-game play, its fun, creative and the graphics are pretty good too.(I think.)
The community is a deciding factor in whether I ever play any game. Sometimes I want to get the achievements, sometimes the game is just fun. There's no deciding factor for me; I can enjoy a game of any genre, with or without a storyline (this is sometimes the only reason I play a game) and regardless of the quality of graphics.
Being able to modify gameplay with scripts is also a big plus for me.