Weekend Bash
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Why do we prevent suicide?
What is the point of making people that don't want to live, live? If they are gone, less resources are being used by them. There are many humane ways to die, now. This being one that would be pretty much painless http://www.julijonasurbonas.lt/p/euthanasia-coaster/ . Also, eventually over-population will be a problem and why bother keeping people that don't want to live alive?

I agree, but think about it this way. Your family have been murdered, you're depressed. If you're THAT weak of a person, the choice of death shouldn't be yours.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I agree over-population is a problem, but suicide's never the answer. You may be dead, but it's the rest of your family that has to deal with the loss. Not a kind thing to do to them, you know?

I do think euthanasia should be allowed more, but that's for another thread.

EDIT: Ninja. If your family's dead, that's still no reason. You're still alive, you can pick yourself up and move on.
euthanasia ? are you kidding? thats really hard cause you die by medicine and medicaments and thats fucking crazy
it was used in germany when adolf hitler was incharge
and only people who could die like that were sick people
Originally Posted by LGOX View Post
euthanasia ? are you kidding? thats really hard cause you die by medicine and medicaments and thats fucking crazy
it was used in germany when adolf hitler was incharge
and only people who could die like that were sick people

Did you read the page at all? You basically pass out and die from lack of oxygen. I imagine it'd be the most humane way possible. You'd pretty much slowly just lose your senses and then pass out, and then die. It seems less humane to force someone to live when they don't want to.

@Zayex Maybe if there was some kind of waiting period to make sure you want to go through with it, or a test for any kind of recent traumatizing event and if so you must wait or something?
Last edited by isaac; Apr 14, 2011 at 06:54 AM.
I don't think law should be concerned where someone wants to take their own life.Thats just BS.Nuff said
Originally Posted by Cuddle View Post
I don't think law should be concerned where someone wants to take their own life.Thats just BS.Nuff said

Why do you say that? Just saying its BS isnt enough. I wanna see reasons.
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Depression and suicidal moods are recognized mental illnesses which can be cured over time with the help and love of others.
Surely you don't want to let people die caues of a mental problem?

Most people are able to overcome their depressions.

PS: Your overpopulation arguement is bullshit.
1. That would solve nothing. Nothing at all.
2. Overpopulation is no problem. Poverty is.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Serithi View Post
I agree over-population is a problem, but suicide's never the answer. You may be dead, but it's the rest of your family that has to deal with the loss. Not a kind thing to do to them, you know?

I do think euthanasia should be allowed more, but that's for another thread.

EDIT: Ninja. If your family's dead, that's still no reason. You're still alive, you can pick yourself up and move on.

I agree with serithi the family would have suffered a major loss and then they would be depressed too.
If someone is going to kill him self you need to help him countinue his life not give him new ways to suicide
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