Weekend Bash
im going to jump infront of a train in a few mins because nobody cares!

no but seriously. every life is one. and if you care about the recourses more then go jump off a cliff yourself if its that easy.
Suicide is a really serious thing, I agree with over population and such and to not really disturb peoples feelings but, as others said, they might have loved ones. I feel suicide because of depression is not worth it, as emotions and feelings can be helped and changed in some cases. while depression can really distract people from reality, it's probably not worth it. Also people would not like suicide to be legal cause, who wants to find dead bodies around? Scarring children and depressing others I reckon it would just create a small chain reaction of deaths. Funerals income would sky rocket and there would be heaps of people who 'tried to but couldn't finish' would flood hospitals, Crowding them for really no reason. So basically no, it should not be legal in my opinion, as I'm sure there are other ways to sustain life on earth. Minimising children aloud to be had and such? So yeah, that's what I think.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Originally Posted by Eclave View Post
I couldent save my pal.But, was it wrong to do what he did?

sure it was wrong.......

And about legalize suicide i don't agree with that at all.....
I was depressed many times and thought about suicide hundred times cuz all my friend ignored me and they still ignore me ...... but if they don't care now why should they care after i kill myself ..... so i try to get by and live another day hopeful for better
Yeah i guess youre right.I dont have friends eighther,not even ppl i hang out with,And also i think about suicide evey day of my life.
We prevent suicide, because we are fucking scared of death and the things that come with it.
At least most of the people are.

As long as you just think about it, you are still open to changes, which would stop you from
choosing that way.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
I agree with suicide, if there are no more enjoyable days left in your life.

I also think that for that reason, most suicide cases, are pointless.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
We could help people who are always by themselves by hanging out with them and have a good time, or stop people who are making others feel bad. ie: Bullies, and trolls
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