Suicide is a really serious thing, I agree with over population and such and to not really disturb peoples feelings but, as others said, they might have loved ones. I feel suicide because of depression is not worth it, as emotions and feelings can be helped and changed in some cases. while depression can really distract people from reality, it's probably not worth it. Also people would not like suicide to be legal cause, who wants to find dead bodies around? Scarring children and depressing others I reckon it would just create a small chain reaction of deaths. Funerals income would sky rocket and there would be heaps of people who 'tried to but couldn't finish' would flood hospitals, Crowding them for really no reason. So basically no, it should not be legal in my opinion, as I'm sure there are other ways to sustain life on earth. Minimising children aloud to be had and such? So yeah, that's what I think.