View Poll Results: What items from the following would you like to get for free?
512 Head Texture
218 Votes / 45.80%
One Punkspike
31 Votes / 6.51%
Dq Texture
51 Votes / 10.71%
Dq Sound
34 Votes / 7.14%
A girlfriend
142 Votes / 29.83%
Voters: 476. You may not vote on this poll
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Vulcan stuff
Steam goggles
Full supernova
Qs force
Plat stuff
Football helmet
Azurite r
Demo f
Cobra f

How much usd
I only got 10 usd. 10.00
I will pay fee, so all that is left to 10 usd(porbably 10 cents) i will send as tc, at the 15k rate