Weekend Bash
Original Post
(Flip) Recruitment thread.

Applications must be detailed

This means that you have to write your app with or with no template. Try and sell yourself to us here at Flip and we will vote on whether we think you are worth of joining. The longer and more well thought out the app, the higher the chance of being accepted. Good luck.

Things that will increase you chances:

Skype name
Forum and in-game activity
AND YOUR USER CARD **this is optional**
Things you can do to help the clan

so good luck all
Last edited by Darkerharder; Sep 30, 2015 at 02:46 PM.
just a fancy signature
Real Name: Torin (not putting my last name :P)
Age: 14
Nationality: England, Britain, World, Solar system, Galaxy, Universe
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.): You are currently at GMT+/-0:00A little about yourself:
Belt: Blue belt (used to be black belt on Tozzit)
Best (Most liked) Mods: Mushu, judo, judofrac and jousting
How many days in week are you online: Monday to friday
People, who send you here: myself? (idk wasnt really told by anyone)
People you know in the clan: If in irl: none, if not in irl: i have played with mobin, darker, and rehonored.
Previous Clans (Why left?): Electric: Unactive for two weeks (on holiday)
Previous Bans (Why?): None
Alts: Tozzit (but forgot password)

Why you want to join this clan: Because it is fun and awesome and i've already played with some of them.
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.): I can make art and music. (you can see music in my sig)
Read the Rules and will follow them: Yes I will.
Skype name (Raises chance of getting in): (PM me because it has my full real name)
Sorry missed a few questions!

QI: 203 (again was more on my previous account tozzit)
Forum activity: 8/10
Ingame activity: 7/10
A little about myself: I love dubstep, i am friendly and have a sense of humourrrr! and i like top hats. lol. also when someone is watching me play something i screw up terrible. I hate nerves. WHY.

Replays included (3)
Attached Files
The Exterminator.rpl (49.2 KB, 19 views)
Destroyer.rpl (32.8 KB, 22 views)
Last edited by zElectro; Dec 3, 2013 at 10:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by zElectro View Post
Real Name: Torin (not putting my last name :P)
Age: 14
Nationality: England, Britain, World, Solar system, Galaxy, Universe
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.): You are currently at GMT+/-0:00A little about yourself:
Belt: Blue belt (used to be black belt on Tozzit)
Best (Most liked) Mods: Mushu, judo, judofrac and jousting
How many days in week are you online: Monday to friday
People, who send you here: myself? (idk wasnt really told by anyone)
People you know in the clan: If in irl: none, if not in irl: i have played with mobin, darker, and rehonored.
Previous Clans (Why left?): Electric: Unactive for two weeks (on holiday)
Previous Bans (Why?): None
Alts: Tozzit (but forgot password)

Why you want to join this clan: Because it is fun and awesome and i've already played with some of them.
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.): I can make art and music. (you can see music in my sig)
Read the Rules and will follow them: Yes I will.
Skype name (Raises chance of getting in): (PM me because it has my full real name)
Sorry missed a few questions!

QI: 203 (again was more on my previous account tozzit)
Forum activity: 8/10
Ingame activity: 7/10
A little about myself: I love dubstep, i am friendly and have a sense of humourrrr! and i like top hats. lol. also when someone is watching me play something i screw up terrible. I hate nerves. WHY.

Replays included (3)

Applying on the (Flip) Back Flips Clan Discussion is recommended for you.
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Real Name: Raphel ( Can't say my last name in public srry )
Age: 13
Nationality: Philipines , America
GMTGMT + 8:00)
A little about yourself:always up all late , love seeing movies
Belt+QI: Blue Qi 280
Best (Most liked) Mods:
Forum activity(10/10):
ingame activity(8/10):
People you know in the clan: None
Previous Clans (Why left?): None
Previous Bans (Why?):None
Previous infraction: None
Alts: BlastPunch (Black Belt) Forgot password and forgot to put my email
Worldrank : 3998
Why you want to join this clan: I want to join this clan to start a fresh toribash day
and maybe play with other clan members
Can do anything for the clan : Can make banners little sukky
(Videos, Art, etc.): I can make heads Ex.
Skype name : None
3replays(2SP . 1MP): Don't know how to post a reply
Attached Files
singleplayer 1.rpl (69.4 KB, 29 views)
multiplayer 1 (1).rpl (46.4 KB, 23 views)
multiplayer 2.rpl (32.9 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by DynamicR; Dec 6, 2013 at 04:11 PM.
Real Name: zachary simmons
A little about yourself: i like playing toribash i work at home depot and i have my own house i am fourm active and post a lot
Belt+QI: 3rd dan black belt qi 3067
Best (Most liked) Mods: judo and judo frac
Forum activity(/10): 9
ingame activity(/10): 10
People you know in the clan: cheff chan
Previous Clans (Why left?): phen and i was kicked out after i helped them in all there clan wars to get them in the number 2 spot i dont know why they kicked me
Previous Bans (Why?): never been banned
Previous infraction: never had any
Alts: dont have one
Why you want to join this clan: because i like to clan war and i want people to talk to in fourm
Can do anything for the clan: i am not that good at sony vages but i can win clan wars and make replays
(Videos, Art, etc.)+eg: i have replays
Skype name : SKYPE NAME: unknown-persona CITY: spring tx NAME: zachary simmons
3replays(2SP . 1MP):
Real Name: Peter
Age: 17
Nationality: German/deutsch
A little about yourself: i play guitar/ich spiele gitarre

Best (Most liked) Mods:akaido,judo,twinsword
How many days in week are you online: every day
People you know in the clan: Cheffchen
Previous Clans (Why left?): Only in the forum aktive (germanUnderground)
Previous Bans (Why?):none
Alts:Bloodfighter (Black Belt )

Why you want to join this clan: Its one of the only german clans
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.)+proof::: i have Photoshop
Read the Rules and will follow them: YES
Skype name (May Raises chance of getting in):none
Originally Posted by DynamicR View Post
Real Name: Raphel ( Can't say my last name in public srry )
Age: 13
Nationality: Philipines , America
GMTGMT + 8:00)
A little about yourself:always up all late , love seeing movies
Belt+QI: Blue Qi 280
Best (Most liked) Mods:
Forum activity(10/10):
ingame activity(8/10):
People you know in the clan: None
Previous Clans (Why left?): None
Previous Bans (Why?):None
Previous infraction: None
Alts: BlastPunch (Black Belt) Forgot password and forgot to put my email
Worldrank : 3998
Why you want to join this clan: I want to join this clan to start a fresh toribash day
and maybe play with other clan members
Can do anything for the clan : Can make banners little sukky
(Videos, Art, etc.): I can make heads Ex.
Skype name : None
3replays(2SP . 1MP): Don't know how to post a reply

What's your most liked mods?
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Real Name: Peter
Age: 17
Nationality: German/deutsch
A little about yourself: i play guitar/ich spiele gitarre

Best (Most liked) Mods:akaido,judo,twinsword
How many days in week are you online: every day
People you know in the clan: Cheffchen
Previous Clans (Why left?): Only in the forum aktive (germanUnderground)
Previous Bans (Why?):none
Alts:Bloodfighter (Black Belt )

Why you want to join this clan: Its one of the only german clans
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.)+proof::: i have Photoshop
Read the Rules and will follow them: YES
Skype name (May Raises chance of getting in):none