Weekend Bash
Real Name: Sebastian Järvelä
Age: I'm 16
Nationality: Ehm I'm from Sweden :3
GMT: As Mobsys :* +2
A little about yourself: Blablablablabla :3
Belt+QI: 2nd dan 2k something
Best (Most liked) Mods: Spar/Parkour/abd/aikido
Forum activity(/10): 9.99999/10
ingame activity(/10): 8/10
People you know in the clan: Everyone
Previous Clans (Why left?): Cause I was an idiot
Previous Bans (Why?): Banned one day for a retarded person reported me
Previous infraction: Some Fails In some threds :3
Alts: Pfft
Why you want to join this clan: Cause I'm awesome and you need me <3
Can do anything for the clan
(Videos, Art, etc.)+eg: A new banner :3
Skype name : sebastian.jarvelaa
3replays(2SP . 1MP): Pfft
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by Darkerharder View Post
Is dat your alt? :v anyway we will vote ;)

Yes thats my alt :3
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
real name : Travis
age : 11
nationality: American/Hispanic
a little about yourself: i am computer nerd :3 and i love football

Best (most liked) mods: judo parkour spar mushu
how many days online: everyday
people known in clan: xXSJXx
previous clan (why left?): the clan was very inactive
previous bans (why?): 1,some1 stole my account so i alerted admins

why you want to join this clan: because i am one who like to help my fellow clan members but if your inactive how can i help
can do anything for the clan (videos, art, etc.)+proof::: i have alot or my friends are flippers who would love to join

read the rules and will follow them:YES
skype name (may raise chance of getting in):nubbyowns2
Attached Files
epic flip over.rpl (46.3 KB, 9 views)
ELBOW.rpl (40.8 KB, 9 views)
gg!! bitch.rpl (27.4 KB, 6 views)
gg!! bitch2.rpl (44.0 KB, 8 views)
gg!!.rpl (52.1 KB, 4 views)
I don't know... I think it's a no from me. I don't know why
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Real Name:alfred
A little about yourself: idk what to say .. Hi
Belt+QI:3rd dan black belt
Best (Most liked) Mods:aikidobigdojo & Different parkour mods
Forum activity(/10):8/10
ingame activity(/10):4/10
People you know in the clan:All the old ones
Previous Clans (Why left?):Cry Of Death, i left because one of the co leaders were a douchebag and not nice and tellling me im bad and have no skill
Previous Bans (Why?):None
Previous infraction:wat?
Why you want to join this clan:I Want to get back on this clan and be nicer and stuffs
Can do anything for the clan
(Videos, Art, etc.)+eg: Art (I Make head textures)
Skype name :alfred.lindstrand1
3replays(2SP . 1MP): Ninja Warror - 1Blazing1 = SP
Test_Run = SP
Best Dance Evar = Mp <--- btw about that one My tori glitched so you will just be seeing someone else with the clown hair.
Attached Files
Ninja Warrior - 1Blazing1.rpl (206.7 KB, 12 views)
Test_Run..rpl (557.5 KB, 7 views)
bEST DANCE EVAR.rpl (38.1 KB, 8 views)