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google it hehe
CnC these please =D
Tea- The opener showed promise, i thought there will be a launch right around 680-670 but well, the transition towards the first grab was smooth. I didn't like how the grab and punch looked like, it looked rather sloppy, although it could've been a boom to compensate with the awkward beginning. Next dms were fluid, kinda good if i do say so myself, though the grab after the punch kinda killed the flow. mmmm, the skeet at the end was a nice touch. But all in all, the replay needs lots of work to make it look good. the positions you get yourself into shows lots of potential, but some hits look sub-par. You can do a lot better I'm sure~
Splitter-guh. try not to grab at the first hit. doesn't look too good

The pose was nice, but the contact didn't look too good at all. perhaps a nograb punch to split the torso then do something more onwards?