Weekend Bash
Original Post
(Vibe) 'Don't Kill My Vibe' Recruitment

You can join Don't Kill My Vibe via 2 ways, a private invite, or applying here in our recruitment thread:

Your application can be in any form you wish, if it's good you'll be accepted!
Last edited by Sparky; Mar 14, 2023 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Recruitment thread relocated to Official board
Right guys at this moment in time. We need everybody to be as forum active as possible we will still use Skype as a contact route but if you have any concerns or serious matters to raise with a leader I would be totally fine if you PM me on Skype (not entirely sure about spark and Sam about that) or post it here. Because let's be honest our Skype group has gone from vibe clan talk to a social we don't give a Damn area therefor the concern not being taken "seriously". So overall be forum active please. Any questions Skype message me or leave it here.

P.s this message was made on my phone so any punctuation or spelling errors blame the phone.

Also this whole wall of text is the same size as a okay but not amazing application
Last edited by Hurr1c4ne; Jun 3, 2014 at 02:04 AM. Reason: added the point about apps
I would like to apply for the position of mascot. ------------------

is my playerscard.
but u may know me better as, ------ one of the goats Judd666 throws about.
when sparky offered me joins The Vibe - i was tempted, but as the thrower of goats i have claimed to be clanfree MANY times - an could not in all honesty join up as Judd666.

is my Mains playercard - ( i stuck this in to show i do really fit the minimum requirements of the clan)

so as the next best thing i made a silly named goat to join. - i will be a whole lot more active as the (Vibe)ratingGoat after the current GTevent thingi - as i have signed up in phails team as Judd666.

but TY for the invite sparks i am happy to be (Vibe)rating
Last edited by ratingGoat; Jun 3, 2014 at 01:36 PM. Reason: bleat bleat
Approved Application, Enjoy hanging around! maybe even a Clan war now and then :3
Last edited by Sparky; Feb 20, 2015 at 12:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello, people. My name is Ninjakid57. I'm a 3rd Dan. If you wanna add me on skype, my name is fluttershy578. I live in Missouri and my GMT is -5. Mods that I'm good with are lolnade, gtdunk, and mushu. I don't use my alts tbh. I can't name all my prev. clans, but here are some: TSS, MOFF, Ninjas. I left them to move onto others. My player card is http://www.toribash.com/usercard/ninjakid57.png . I hope I can get in.
Last edited by avenue; Jun 8, 2014 at 08:53 AM.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Sorry Ninjakid57, your clan application has been read by the clan and we've come to a decision that you won't be making it in today, things that let you down were you attitude. Members told me that you're attitude isn't right for us.
Hey guys!My name is Benedek.Just call me Ben or Wadda.My closely friend,in this clan,Kriszhun recommended me to join this clan.My competitive mods are Wushu,mushu,aikidobigdojo,spar,taekkyon,aikido.I'm 15 years old,and i play Toribash about 2-3 years ago,with breaks.My skype username is beni9920.I want to join this clan,because i have met the clan members,and they was likeable to me,so i want to meet them from closely.If you choose me,you would be richer,with an active player.
guys i don't know if i still want to be a leader anymore please do not de-mote me instantly i would like to talk to spark about it.
Well to start, you might want to post it in the right section hurri -_-.
Wadda: You're currently being discussed