Weekend Bash
Wadda89, your Application has been read through thoroughly by the Clan leaders and we would like to welcome you to The Vibe.
Hey guys my name is Rami, I'm 15 years old and I play Toribash about 2 hours a day and enjoy it very much. I am confident about my skills and I would like to join a clan as my old clan (Fallen) were inactive even though I was loyal and respectful to all of them. I've been playing Toribash from 2012 but I stopped playing in 2013. Mods that I usually play are aikido based and I am currently around the rank of 2000 in aikido. I am a brown belt very close to acquiring a black belt but I play beyond the skills of a brown belt. I'm willing to use Skype if preferred.

Additional Details:
Country: UAE
Time zone: Gulf Time zone (UTC+04:00)
Hobbies: Football(soccer), Table tennis, basketball

Thanks for taking your time to read this application and best regards.
Last edited by FBI40; Jun 18, 2014 at 01:03 PM.
Hey I'm applying for whatever rank
I'm 14
Live in Michigan
I love toribash and played with sledge and he liked me
I'd love to be apart of your clan
Ign BigBrandon
I also am green belt
I am pretty good at it
I have been playing for months now
Thanks for reading my app
Last edited by BigBrandon; Jun 19, 2014 at 12:40 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by FBI40 View Post
Hey guys my name is Rami, I'm 15 years old and I play Toribash about 2 hours a day and enjoy it very much. I am confident about my skills and I would like to join a clan as my old clan (Fallen) were inactive even though I was loyal and respectful to all of them. I've been playing Toribash from 2012 but I stopped playing in 2013. Mods that I usually play are aikido based and I am currently around the rank of 2000 in aikido. I am a brown belt very close to acquiring a black belt but I play beyond the skills of a brown belt. I'm willing to use Skype if preferred.

Additional Details:
Country: UAE
Time zone: Gulf Time zone (UTC+04:00)
Hobbies: Football(soccer), Table tennis, basketball

Thanks for taking your time to read this application and best regards.

Hi there FBI40, the leaders have read over the app, we liked it. Needless to say, you've been invited to Vibe

Originally Posted by BigBrandon View Post
Hey I'm applying for whatever rank
I'm 14
Live in Michigan
I love toribash and played with sledge and he liked me
I'd love to be apart of your clan
Ign BigBrandon
I also am green belt
I am pretty good at it
I have been playing for months now
Thanks for reading my app

Hi BigBrandon, unfortunately you aren't quite brown belt yet (min belt requirement) but you're getting there ,denied for now. good luck
My Application
I'm applying to Join Vibe
I'm 16
I'm not very mature. (Atleast I'm honest, unlike a certain someone who's name sounds like will)
Live in Kentucky
I play in Toribash alot, (mostly twinswords but I also do some mushu and trying to learn taekkyon)
I'm a 4th dan with a 56% win/loss
*This is just a formality, you know Will will cut you if you don't accept me c:
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
Ah, well will's brutal like that, smart move son.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.