Weekend Bash
Vibe Application
My name is Roflmao451, I'm a 4th Dan Black Belt. I'm turning 16 in early August and I'm going to be a Junior in highschool (Grade 11). I live in the United States (Time zone Eastern Pacific). I had stopped playing Toribash for a while and decided to come back, so I haven't been active as of late though I can become active on the clan forum. I'm a very friendly and cordial player, I stray away from conflict and I love joking around. I am best at Aikido Big Dojo, but I will play any mod. I have met several members of this clan, and they all seem very nice and I would love nothing more than to be a part of The Vibe. My skype name is mayer.alex98. Thanks for reading!
Noobs complain about moves, pros adjust to them.
Roflmao451 ~ 4th Dan.
Hey guys!My name is caio.Just call me caio or fortrek whatever VIBE recommended me to join this clan.My competitive mods are aikidobigdojo,taekkyon,aikido,judo,judofrac,twinsw ord.I'm 14 years old,and i play Toribash about 2-3 years ago,with breaks. I want to join this clan,because I think I could be a good player or contribute to the clan .If you choose me,you would be richer,with an active player. (sorry for wrong words'm Brazilian but speak the basics) i have any win ratio of 55,7% for the time being
Last edited by fortrek14; Jun 21, 2014 at 01:15 AM.
Real name: Dean
Age: 13
Belt: 3rd Dan Black Belt
Previous Clans: (Warrior) And (Nitro)
My Best Mods: Mushu, AikidoBigDojo And GreyKido
Steam: (I Don't Have Steam)
Skype: (I Don't Have Skype)
Why I Want To Join: I Think Vibe Is Full Of Funny And Humors People And I Want To Be Apart Of That So I Built A Time Machine To Come Back And Be Apart Of The Best.
I Can Offer Vibe: I Only Have The Skills But I Am Very Friendly.
Something Interesting About Me: Since When Am I Interesting.
I Am Not: Selfish, Self Indulgent, Afraid.
GMT: +1

Do i need more info tell me
Attached Files
Pro save.rpl (54.3 KB, 7 views)
i win easy.rpl (60.2 KB, 4 views)
Read the op.
Until you've done that, denied for now.
Also to incress your chances by 300% I'd recommend getting skype, thanks.
Your application must be in FREE FORM, that means a short paragraph. Do not paste the questions (No c/p!).

Originally Posted by fortrek14 View Post
Hey guys!My name is caio.Just call me caio or fortrek whatever VIBE recommended me to join this clan.My competitive mods are aikidobigdojo,taekkyon,aikido,judo,judofrac,twinsw ord.I'm 14 years old,and i play Toribash about 2-3 years ago,with breaks. I want to join this clan,because I think I could be a good player or contribute to the clan .If you choose me,you would be richer,with an active player. (sorry for wrong words'm Brazilian but speak the basics) i have any win ratio of 55,7% for the time being

discussing at the moment
fortrek14, I liked your app. I'll invite you to the clan, i read over your mod ranks, nice judofrac.tbm rank you got there! good job. I'll try to vs you on it some time.

As for KnownSkilz, although your app wasn't the style we're looking for... however, you have a strong forceful opener. Your fighting style is pretty stiff, however. i notice your mod ranks aren't that bad. I don't mind trialing you.

As for the both of you, without skype, it'll be a bit of a quite clan. We've got some forum active members so not to worry, and we've got more than enough in-game actives to play and hang out with
*Belt - Brown Belt
*competitive mods - no mods
*Alts - none
*Previous clans - none
*Why you left those previous clans - NONE
*Why WE need you! - you need me.

*real life name(Ross)
*real life age(14)
*Something cool about you! - I'm a dunkey and i'm pretty good at toribash. (can ask darth3 )
*player card - no card
*skype (rostiku1)
*Replays(im a dunkey)
*Country & GMT - Canada (im not canadian ffs)
my replay...
I'm(Rostiku) a young Russian boi named Ross who loves playing toribash and killing people... in toribash. I have been playing since May 2014. If i don't play toribash I play League of Legends or GTA San Andreas. I live in Canada so my gmt is -5. Mod I have gotten quite good at is twinswords and my rank is 794. I am 14 years old and my skype is rostiku1.

My win ratio is 65% and I think it's pretty good. I play about everyday and get better and better at this game. I go on forum every day too. For example when I am in queue. I enjoy playing toribash a lot.

I want to join Vibe because this clan is awesome on my opinion and I have a friend here, named darthc3op.
Last edited by Rostiku; Jun 25, 2014 at 05:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump