Weekend Bash
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If you've ever played Smash Bros. you'll love Brawlhalla.

From the website...
An eternal battle arena where the greatest warriors in history brawl to prove who’s the best that ever was, is, or will be.

Every match is an epic test of skill, speed, and strength, and every victory brings additional glory and bragging rights to the winners.

These slugfests are salted with powerful weapons and gadgets. Fighters scramble to grab swords, axes, hammers, blasters, rocket lances and more! Every weapon changes your play style and your options. Gadgets like mines, bombs, and spiked spheres add even more danger into the mix, letting fighters change the course of battle with a well-timed throw or carefully laid trap.

Online Ranked 1v1 – A personal test of skill where you match up against a single opponent to claim untold levels of personal glory in Brawlhalla.
Online Ranked 2v2 – Bolster your ranks with a friend to prove your mettle, wit and teamwork in frenetic 2v2 battles.
4 Player Online Free for All – Ranked or casual matches where four fighters enter, but only one can win.
8 Player 4v4 & FFA – Because the only thing better than four legends vying for bragging rights is eight legends battling for bragging rights.
Local Free for All – Up to 4 players can play in free for all mode on one computer – perfect for friendly face-offs.
Local Custom Teams – Team-up on your local machine, by adding up to 4 bots into the mix for living-room level mayhem.
Local Single Player – Square off against bots in a three game tournament series. Perfect for warmups or score grinders.
Alternate Game Modes – Brawlball, Bombsketball and more provide ‘casual’ ‘party game’ ‘just for fun’ alternate game modes with completely different objectives and just as much competition.

This is a 2d platformer fighting game

There are characters (called "legends") that can be purchased from the store using real money or in-game coins won from matches. Each character is unique and uses 2 weapons that each have it's own unique style.

There are combos you can do and so much stuff to learn. It's an amazing game - you should try it out. It's available on the PS4/PC

Discuss away. I'm fresh to the game myself so any advice you have would be great.
Last edited by Course; Jun 8, 2018 at 03:05 PM. Reason: added info
Same thing happened here.

I kept playing sentinel over and over, until I got 5400 coins and bought Asuri

I suck at the game, though
I've played it for a few days, I'm silver rn.

I got coins and bought Ada and Hattori, really solid legends. Hattori is just insane though.
Hattori is way too op.
When I started playing, I played Sentinel. Then I discovered Byrnn. That axe she uses is probably the best in the game.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
me and sovern went to some little bronzey to some silvey ay

people spam whey too much in that game, atleast that elo
no u

A few balancing issues, but this is now my favourite game to play

simply amazing for a beta.

under toribash ofc
i liek
is there like a weekly rotation or something by the way?
i saw in the shop you could buy the legends i already played with so ye

i really like playing bodvar tho so i'll probably buy him first
Last edited by Melqart; Jan 1, 2016 at 10:36 PM.
cage the gargoyle