Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post


Can we put this on public featured? its hella nice.

This is TPL for lenshu players, what we never had but always needed.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
I made a simple mod, competitive spar, (comp_spar.tbm)
Making realistic moves, improvising, reacting as you see in ghost. ^^
1000 matchframes, 10 turnframes, -30 gravity, 500 dojosize, dojotype 1, 250 enagedistance, 20 dqtimeout, enabled fracture as 250 and disqualification

sorry to say that mega34, but a sparring mod is not suitable for competitive multiplayer.
evil Führer of Evil
well, no problem, is very simple to put in that server, just a little try, i modify game rules and is the game mode ready in multiplayer, i will try to make an original mod later
BumP! can we please do my request?
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
well i played acroshu and have to say this aint gonna be my favorite mod.
odlovs mod is featured for quite some time again and i would like to see the mod on the featured room change more often.

This mod is absolutely playable and i can imagine that many will like it.

Please put it on!
Last edited by Oaky; Aug 26, 2016 at 03:03 PM. Reason: eeeeeeeeh macarena
evil Führer of Evil
here is another mod.

a metal bridge held by two magnets.
this intense mma fight is done on a wobbly platform.

you decide: punch you opponent off the bridge
or do you rather jump off the bridge to make him lose control?

this is such a good advertising!

also i made a alternative version, where yellow balls hit the bridge at the end and totally destroy the players balance.
the normal one is more competitive, while the alternative is more fun.

please consider one of these mods for featured.
Attached Files
oakymagnetbridgev2.tbm (2.3 KB, 3 views)
oakymagnetbridgealt.tbm (2.8 KB, 3 views)
evil Führer of Evil
I'll stick that in publicfeatured until dabarett is finished with his new mod.

With acroshu - have you altered it since I encountered the glitches all that time ago? Annoyingly I can't actually remember what happened but I remember it being buggy - do you remember our conversation?

Also I don't really have the time to do my regular staff duties anymore, nor to monitor this server, currently trying to find another staff member who wants to take over this responsibility. Apologies for being shit
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Moop, i would totally be down for moderating this thread and picking mods for the featured server.

Imo the featured room is one of the best ideas in years concerning toribash.
This has to go on and I'd love to take all the responsibility in keeping the players entertained with new mods.

also i made a mistake in oakymagnetbridge ._.
please take this fixed version
Attached Files
oakymagnetbridge.tbm (2.3 KB, 3 views)
evil Führer of Evil
After playing this one a few times I think there's some merit in disabling grab.

I'm not really sold on the mechanic in general in a mod with this engagedistance, but I'm especially not fond of being able to grab the bridge. I'm seeing most people simply drop down low and grab the bridge with both hands - not very exciting and certainly not the original vision of the mod I'm sure.

I don't really mind either way, and I think the rest of the mod is pretty fun.

Anyhow, mope gave me control of publicfeatured and I'm thinking of having a couple of mods on rotation, 2-3 max. I'll keep magnetbridge for now, but I'm putting this one into the queue, at least until we get some new stuff from you guys.
Attached Files
fearstrikev2.tbm (2.7 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Fear; Sep 2, 2016 at 03:20 AM.