(Kg) Application
A Little About Me!
Aight,sup guys and gals its Gabe here.Im 14 years old I play baseball (currently I'm out on injury concussion :/) I'm a honors student in school (I get straight A's).I'm currently in 8th grade atm,and my favourite colour is Purple.I suffer from ADHD and Depression,but I manage :^).
Toribash History
Well to start off I found out about toribash in 2012 but I made my first account (G0LDELITE) in july of 2013,but it November of 2013 that account got hacked :/.However,afterwards I made this account and I've used it ever since since.I stopped playing TB in December 2013 and played On And Off in 2014, and in 2015 I didn't play at all,but recently in june of 2016 I decided to come back because I missed the community and how fun this game was.
Why (Kg)?
Id Love to join this clan because of how social and active it is though it may not be the biggest clan it is a good clan.However,my reasoning behind why I decided to choose (Kg) is fairly simple because when this clan was first created I thought this would be the perfect clan for me to be in and now I have decided to go through with my decision.Also,i decided to choose (Kg) because all of the members are nice and absolutely dfun to be around especially on discord.To conclude my reasoning behind deciding to join (Kg) is because this seems like a very fun,active and social ''guild'' and I feel like I would get along with everyone.
Infraction/Ban History
I only have 2 infractions because of useless posting.But other than that i have been ''good'' on forums and havent really gotten into much trouble.
Clan History
So when I joined the first clan I ever joined was (Scar) with my good friend mastertron back in 2013 after wards after a few weeks we became inactive,then I joined (dragons) with my buddy ralo and I was there for about 6 months in 2014,after that I breaked off toribash for about 2-3 years.i came back on and off and I joined (Beta) but we died due to inactivity after that in late December 2015 I joined (RPY) but I became inactive due to COD BO3 because of the competitive scene afterwards I came back this past june and I joined Adrenaline (AL) which is now (INTER) but left due to altercations with the leader,afterwards I joined [e] but I was hacked while in the clan and when I retrieved my account I was out of the clan and so was multiple other members,after a few weeks I joined [u] but left due to a small issue with a member,after that I joined (li) and helped out universe grow his clan

,and then I left after I helped his clan out,i went solo for a tad and joined [l] and left,and then joined [im] and left and waited a week and now i am here before you.
What I Can Do For (Kg)
I can do alot for this clan i can help out in wars,recruitment,and i can help you guys grow as a clan such as promoting the clna recruit and get some new blood and attract new comers.Just to sum things up i can really help this clan grow and become bigger attract new members and just basically griw this clan out and possibly get us offical and spread around our name in the community.
Contact Information~ Skype And Discord-GabeElite
This Basically concludes my application.
i hope im considered.
Thanks for your time!
Also Here are some gifs hope you enjoy!

whats good fam?
Thanks For Reading!
Last edited by Twin; Nov 11, 2016 at 12:39 AM.