Weekend Bash
If we're set on this automated system, I think I've got a few solutions for you.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Currently we do not have clan events aside from Clan League. If all goes to plan, that may change but right now there are other things to work on. I would like whatever system we end up with to have the option for those kinds of things to be taken into account. I mention it here for transparency but it's so reliant on so many things going right that it's definitely not a thing for a while.
Gaining extra activity points for participating in Event Squad stuff ingame would be a big plus, and something we plan on adding.

Simple fix here. If a clan gets wins an event, yet still somehow receives a strike, cancel that strike. Give clans a specified grace period after winning an event.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Single player is the big one that none of us have really been able to figure out, but it's a priority imo. Single player clans have always been a very specialist area, and under the new system just don't make it, which is a real fuckin shame.

Identify which clans are SP clans (or ask them to identify themselves), and then, if an SP clan fails a check, take a quick look at their active members' post history and see if they've posted in any replay threads. If a few have, mark them as active players.

This way, the only time you'd have to do anything is if a clan marked SP fails a strike (since this is triggered upon failure). So once every two months, someone might have to check through a dozen post histories, 20 min tops. Small bit of human oversight.

It'd be a lot simpler than finding some way to quantify posted replays for every clan, as you say. At least for now.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Inactive Ranks:
I know a lot of people have been calling for them, but functionally they serve no purpose with the way the check is done. If anything it would end up hurting your clan because it excludes them from the check, so if they happen to pop by for a couple matches, it won't end up counting.

Afaik, aren't the points for active ingame members based on a percentage of total clan members? You need half your members active to get full points? If this is the case, then clans with rosters bloated with old players are disadvantaged still.

"The system punished larger clans because of activity relative to full member count."

It this is no longer the case then disregard entirely
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
A static official clan server... Forum customisation... Recruitment banners

Those sound like good perks to me. The 'custom leader string' and other clan page related stuff strikes me as a bit 'meh' though.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
A portion of people in the various threads called out for "a human touch", and I also agree that there should be some degree of human review. As such, I would like to implement an appeal system as a last ditch attempt for you to save you clan.

This is a very good addition. If a clan dies now, it must really not care to be around.

@Erth - from the suggestions thread;
>discord servers
I'd suggest running discord checks the same way I suggested checks for SP clans. Upon failure (receiving a strike), check their board for discord. Open it up, see if it's somewhat active, throw 5 points their way.

IRC was once considered in checks because it was recognised that some clans are more active outside of ingame and the forums. I think that sort of thinking is still right with Discord.

One final suggestion: make Powas and me CS. You get brainstorming, you get marketing, you get a slave (me) to do the human oversight. If you really wanna 'bridge the gap' (this ever-widening gap) between the community and out of touch staff, we got that covered. CS would be best S. Consider it.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 16, 2019 at 06:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Simple fix here. If a clan gets wins an event, yet still somehow receives a strike, cancel that strike. Give clans a specified grace period after winning an event.

I don't know if giving a free pass to lurk after winning an event is something reasonable. I see where it came from but I'm against the idea of rewarding events with "activity immunity", that's way too specific. They are trying to encourage activity and you are trying to find a way to be active once and then go back to the cave, at least that's how I see it.

Instead of rewarding activity with activity related benefits and/or privileges, they should stick to the perks rewards idea.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
>discord servers
I'd suggest running discord checks the same way I suggested checks for SP clans. Upon failure (receiving a strike), check their board for discord. Open it up, see if it's somewhat active, throw 5 points their way.

I support this.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Identify which clans are SP clans (or ask them to identify themselves), and then, if an SP clan fails a check, take a quick look at their active members' post history and see if they've posted in any replay threads. If a few have, mark them as active players.

This way, the only time you'd have to do anything is if a clan marked SP fails a strike (since this is triggered upon failure). So once every two months, someone might have to check through a dozen post histories, 20 min tops. Small bit of human oversight.

It'd be a lot simpler than finding some way to quantify posted replays for every clan, as you say. At least for now.

I'm not sure about this. I don't wanna discourse too much about my opinion but I think there should be better ideas than this, because it sounds too simple and possibly exploitable in some way (not sure though, I'm just wondering)

I don't think that matters but I think it would be interesting to have Ele and Powas as CS
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Proposed new system:
No major complaints, looks better than the current one, given the state the community is in.

No easy way around it. Counting steam hours is abusable, so is just counting the posts/replays. Not only replay-making takes a lot of time, but giving a proper c&c is pretty important as well. You'd have to go case by case, checking activity of clans in their replay threads manually. However, as that's a clan activity we're talking about here, only replays posted in the clan board would be taken into consideration. One does not need to be in a clan to be a replay maker, therefore, posts from replays board would not count. You want the replay to count towards the activity of your clan? Post it in your board, make the members discuss it. It could be easier just to check those threads in clans that identify as mainly single player or hybrid ones.

Maybe you could even automate it a bit, with a script to count posts and replays, with a disclaimer that if an abuse of the system is detected (random checks from CS members once in a while), clan gets an instant strike.

Rating the replays is a subjective thing and I would not go there/wouldn't include that in the process of checking the activity. Obviously, standing still for 500 frames would not fly, but otherwise I would steer clear from going ,,your decap is not good enough to be a proper sp replay".

There is also an issue with people simply posting older replays with new names, slightly edited movement or just stolen one. Unless you were to check every single replay in the thread when the new replay is posted, you couldn't be sure if clan is not just trolling you by posting the same 10 reps again and again.

Inactive ranks:
I get your point, however, some people are not coming back. Even if, by some miracle, f.ex. Azuma resurrects himself from the dead, I'm sure I would notice him shitposting around forums/discord and move him to one of the active ranks for that month. Not counting inactive members for the checks under current system would give us a small point boost. Not enough to argue over, though, so I'll leave it be.

Perks/points to get perks:
Consider giving clans rewards for important events in their history. Clan video or clan picture appeared - cool, not many bother to do those anymore, have some points. You passed an important anniversary? We appreciate you being there, have some more. That'd require some more work from CS but I feel that this kind of personal touch would be appreciated.

Clans are about playing together - give some point boosts if more than 3 players from the same clan gather and play on the same server.

What could slightly improve the competitiveness of clans is:
- introducing monthly or bi-monthly (tied with checks) rankings for clan wars, where top 3 clans from that period get additional perk points bonus. General ,,all-time" ranking is fine, but some clans farmed shittons of wins over the years, looking at monthly/bi-monthly dynamics would be more interesting.
- introducing clan ranks to the ranked seasons as well. You'd have to think about the exact formula for counting that (adding the elo points of clan members that play rankeds and/or dividing that by the number of clan members that play ranked might be a bit too simple), but I'm sure you could figure it out. Give top clan from each season additional perk points and some small item/tc prize.
- introducing clan vs clan competition state. What I mean is: Clan A and Clan B can bet certain amount of their perk points against each other. After set time passes, whichever clan was more active during that period, wins the bet and gets the points.

No time to think about more stuff for now but I will keep my eyes on the thread.

@ele: not sure I could be bothered :^)
One big issue still isn't addressed: people prefer socialising on 3rd party applications and forcing them to use outdated forum system is simply creating shitposting on clan boards.

If we use Discord as an example, there are services that display server's activity in few steps. I'm sure there's a way to include it in activity checks, especially if a clan meets in-game criteria but lacks on forum side.
Ughhhh. I just spent so much time typing up a response and it disappeared. Okay, round two.

First off, I’m glad we are in agreement that the current activity system needs a rework. I just think it doesn’t accurately show how active a clan is and I feel like clans are unfairly killed/removed from official status. So first, I’ll address your proposed changes. I agree with the first 0-24 tier. 25 points isn’t hard to manage and if a clan truly is inactive it’s going to get killed. However, I strongly disagree with the every two months, if failing 2 in 6 months you get killed. I think it should be once a month and if you fail 2 in a row then it’s done for your clan. It’s not that hard to maintain and if you do happen to fail it isn’t a challenge to get your activity up. For the 25-30 area I don’t really think it’s necessary for you to let them know they are in danger of failing, I’m sure that they can check themselves via the activity check feature. Unless you can set up an automated system to do it for you, I just think it’s unnecessary.

Next, I wholeheartedly disagree with 5 games a month being the determinant number for whether or not a player is active. I’d like to see it raised to at least 10, even better if it could be made into 15. 5 is doable in about 20 minutes or less of playing. Definitely not justifiable to say that 20 minutes ingame makes you active imo. Not that 10 games is any better, but it’s just more realistic. I think event integration is great, and I think you should get not only activity points for participating and winning, but earn your clan some perk points as well.

Side note: I think that you should not have a limit on the amount of points that can be earned. At the end of the month, or whatever interval you set, the clan with the most points wins a prize for each member that is currently active in the clan. Nothing too huge, just small prizes or maybe a free customization for the clan. Something simple like that.

I do personally have an issue with integrating single player into the activity standpoint. I don’t think you should earn clan activity points by playing alone and making replays. The clans dynamic is meant so you can outreach with the community and your fellow clan members and play some wars and aim for number one. Sure, I’m sure that there are single player clans out there that will disagree but I certainly think that it shouldn’t be something we take into account for a few reasons. First of all it would be time consuming to sift through the replays submitted to the board and would require a lot of manpower to check and see if people are trying to cheat the system. Not that there are a lack of volunteers, but still it’s a lot to have to do. Before even considering adding it, what would the basis be? Amount of replays submitted for points? Quality of replays? How would you judge whether or not a replay deserves points? Etc. There is just so much more we’d need to know before even taking it into consideration. The same thing goes for art. You’d need specific Lmods to check the art for quality and I guess time spent I don’t even know where I’d begin in that one. Would be interesting to see some more comments in the coming days regarding this.

I see no purpose in inactive ranks.

As for official servers I’m neutral. I just think it’s pointless clutter to the already cluttered room list. You can just as easily create your own room and play on there. What if the dreaded 0 glitch occurs and now you room is just permanently broke? Just the first thought that crosses my mind tbh. It’s a great concept and idea but I feel like the same exact thing can be accomplished manually. However it would be a great tc sink for the community soooo I’m just bent on whether or not we really need it at this point.

Recruitment banners are an awesome idea and I wish we could have seen more of it when toribash has hit its peak. It’s a fantastic way for recruiting new members but personally I think it could interfere with event banners and other important banners though too. Imagine how many people would purchase a spot. The only way I could see this is if you put a limit on the amount of banners you can have up at a single time.

An appeal system would be nice, but it would just be abused. Every single clan regardless of its actual activity would appeal and would just waste time. But it’s a great idea for clans who truly wish to dispute their clan deofficialization/death.

Also, one last thing. Most clans use discord and I would LOVE to see a way to include discord activity into a point system.

Okay well that about covers it for now. I’ll make a few edits here and there when I feel it’s necessary. If anyone has questions or sees issues with my logic feel free to reply and I’ll get to you when I can. Overall great thread, great ideas. Keep it up CS!

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
I don't know if giving a free pass to lurk after winning an event is something reasonable. I see where it came from but I'm against the idea of rewarding events with "activity immunity", that's way too specific. They are trying to encourage activity and you are trying to find a way to be active once and then go back to the cave, at least that's how I see it.

Instead of rewarding activity with activity related benefits and/or privileges, they should stick to the perks rewards idea.

The problem here isn't with rewards though. It's about finding a way to have clan event wins factored into activity checks. This ain't related to perks/rewards.

The issue was raised in the previous thread after Alpha won CL and failed their check.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
I'm not sure about this. I don't wanna discourse too much about my opinion but I think there should be better ideas than this, because it sounds too simple and possibly exploitable in some way (not sure though, I'm just wondering)

Simple solutions are best solutions. Open to hearing about potential exploits, though

@Powas, on SP.

What if we took the system I proposed above, and include a random replay test in it.

So, if an SP clan fails a check, we see if any inactive members are posting replays anywhere, and we randomly select a replay to test. If it's a troll replay, assign the clan the strike they deserve.

I don't think this would be as big an issue as it's made out to be, though (so I'm not too sure the above measure is really necessary). SP clans tend not to be full of immature kids - I don't expect that there'd be any of these clans trying to 'game' the system.

@Smaug + Parrot
Refer to my easy, 3-step plan for incorporating discord into checks.
1. Clan fails
2. Check board for discord
3. Check discord for activity

If a clan's active, throw 5 points their way. 5 points can mean a lot in these checks.
Originally Posted by Parrot
I think it should be once a month and if you fail 2 in a row then it’s done for your clan

This whole outreach is happening because the community was angry at the pressure being put on clans to be active. Your idea here doesn't match with what the community wants.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 17, 2019 at 04:54 AM.
Hey, so there was progress on the whole SP thing almost as soon as I ended up posting this and I didn't want the thread to start off with me being like "hey we want your input, also here's this thing we worked out just now".
Basically the way we'd like to do it now, and the way it's likely to end up is that the checks take into account db uploads in the replays and mods sections, with each upload representing as x amount of games.


This way, the general rules of the boards kick in, so super low effort replays and things like that are dealt with on a local mod level.
There's minor moderation, it's check-able, it integrates clans with the rest of the forum and is easy. I think it's a reasonably elegant solution, it's just a case of working out how much each upload needs to be "worth" in line with the current criteria.

I'm not gonna do another text wall cos lord knows you've had to read enough lately, so I'll try and pick and choose particular things I think are worth noting/giving my thoughts on.

Originally Posted by Woeb
glossed over it, but more dedicated servers for official clans would have some strain, no? the hosting is shaky as is from what i've seen

Not as far as I'm aware. In any case, not something the community (or even I, really) need to worry about. The dev bois have said it'd be fine so I'm assuming it'll be fine.

Originally Posted by Euphoria
I applied for an official clan 2 times, they refused me, because supposedly my clan members "don't communicate with each other" when we have a discord! how become offical, who can tell me? .-.

Hi so that's not the purpose of this thread, but I'm going to take your post as a hint towards a potential issue.
"Can there be some more solid criteria for unofficial clans becoming official?"
I think that's a good point, if there are any unofficial clan dudes out there who agree, let yourselves be known here please.

Originally Posted by Retro
Clan perks as a whole are far too unrewarding for the prizes that are given. I don't see why going beyond for clan perks is worth it for some small forum customization on a clan page people see for maybe a few moments. I suggest something like being able to spend points to give a clan monthly VIP, or something along those lines.

Noted, we can do something like that.

Originally Posted by Retro
I was also thinking of something akin to the staff badges, but it has to be generic enough to be not like staff badges, fairly easily texturable with your Clan's Tag on it, and somewhere at least somewhat visible on the body. Maybe the tricep?

Also something that was brought up. I didn't include it in this thread because it was part of a wider discussion on something else, but ye. We'd like to do that in the future. texturable item for clans.

Originally Posted by Retro
As for Inactive Ranks, I do feel as if there is some compromise that can be made to suit both sides. Despite reaching the mark for activity being far easier and less brutal than before, I think an inactive role has some purpose in calculating a clan's true numbers. Perhaps some sort of penalty enacted for having players in that slot, or even an automated system of some sort where it slots users into inactivity when they fall below X Games or X Posts within a certain time period.

Again, just feels like it's punishing older clans for no real reason. I'd far prefer to make new cool stuff that gets people interested in the game again, than set up a place for people to die.

Originally Posted by Zwar
The old check wasn't that hard to reach you know, but its true that u had to play more than you would usually do. I think the new check will fit easily (also i don't think anyone would fail the check now)

There are a couple of clans that are close, but no one is currently failing. Which is nice (o(

Originally Posted by Lionet
It's also very good to see how worried you guys are with singleplayer clans, such as mine. I don't think there is any automation that can be done to perform replay checks fairly, but I like the of lmods on replays board splitting relevant replays from low effort ones, also participating in replay events being count.

About the official clan rooms, would it be a single official clan room where all official clan can join and have OP or an official room for each clan? I didn't get it right

For the replay thing, read above.
The official room would be similar to a public room. But instead of saying public it'd say your clan name, or something along those lines. Coudl be used for recruitment, chilling, Clan League practice. I envisage seeing a few up at a time, an eVo room, an Obey room etc.
Would cost perk points to upkeep to, so it's not a permanent thing, and only for clans who are active and would use it.

Originally Posted by Ele
If a clan gets wins an event, yet still somehow receives a strike, cancel that strike. Give clans a specified grace period after winning an event.

Feels ignorant of the core of the problem whereby if a clan is active enough to participate/win an event, then it should be fine in the activity checks. I'd prefer to take the checks to a point where it's reliable in those situations, rather than adding stipulations.
If the check says someone's inactive just after winning clan league, it's indicative of a larger problem that needs addressing, not just putting a bandaid on it and calling it good.

Originally Posted by Ele
Identify which clans are SP clans (or ask them to identify themselves), and then, if an SP clan fails a check, take a quick look at their active members' post history and see if they've posted in any replay threads. If a few have, mark them as active players.

I really don't like the idea of a clan having to categorize themselves and then forcing their activity to go in a certain direction. Again, I'd prefer to just work under a system where all avenues of activity are viable, and any mix of them is good.

Originally Posted by Ele
"The system punished larger clans because of activity relative to full member count."

Extracting a lil something sir wrote for me when I first joined the team and was asking for all the info.
Members Activity Points =
[i]if[/i] (active members percentage >= 50 [i]or[/i] clan has more than 15 active members) [i]then[/i] 45
[i]else[/i] active members percentage * 0.9

[i]if[/i] (clan has 5 or more active members) [i]then[/i]
[i]if[/i] (members activity points < 25) [i]then[/i] 25
[i]else[/i] number of members active * 5

So yes it does penalise a clan if over 50% is inactive, unless the clan has less than 15 members. And the first 5 members will always receive a passing mark on their own.
The only way a bloated roster would be disadvantaged is if over 50% of it is inactive dead dudes, at which point it probably makes a bit of sense that the clan struggles to maintain activity, right?
It's a small penalty and it can be overcome, particularly as we add new ways to gain points.

Originally Posted by Ele
Those sound like good perks to me. The 'custom leader string' and other clan page related stuff strikes me as a bit 'meh' though.

Not all of the perks are gonna be ground breaking, the meh ones are cool for unofficial dudes too. If we add a lot, and are a bit cerative with it then there should be a decent mix.

Originally Posted by Ele
This is a very good addition. If a clan dies now, it must really not care to be around.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ele approves of something.

Originally Posted by Powas
I get your point, however, some people are not coming back. Even if, by some miracle, f.ex. Azuma resurrects himself from the dead, I'm sure I would notice him shitposting around forums/discord and move him to one of the active ranks for that month. Not counting inactive members for the checks under current system would give us a small point boost. Not enough to argue over, though, so I'll leave it be.

Similar response as I gave to Ele, but I get it man.
All I can think of is having some arbitrary limit of amount of people you can have in an inactive rank. But it's just not practical.
It just doesn't work with the direction the system is going unfortunately, it doesn't not make sense tho. (if that makes sense)

Originally Posted by Powas
Consider giving clans rewards for important events in their history. Clan video or clan picture appeared - cool, not many bother to do those anymore, have some points. You passed an important anniversary? We appreciate you being there, have some more. That'd require some more work from CS but I feel that this kind of personal touch would be appreciated.

Talked about this on discord. Way into rewarding clans taking the initiative to make clan videos, clan renders of themselves and everything. Same with the anniversary stuff, although iirc clan achievements already do that? I would be surprised if those didn't award perk points or something. I will double check.

Originally Posted by Powas
Clans are about playing together - give some point boosts if more than 3 players from the same clan gather and play on the same server.

I like that too. Will pass it on to sir/Dranix.

Originally Posted by Powas
introducing clan ranks to the ranked seasons as well. You'd have to think about the exact formula for counting that (adding the elo points of clan members that play rankeds and/or dividing that by the number of clan members that play ranked might be a bit too simple), but I'm sure you could figure it out. Give top clan from each season additional perk points and some small item/tc prize.

This one particularly intrigues. sir is taking a look at the current ranking system, so it wouldn't be a bad time to look at some clan integration there.

Originally Posted by Smaguris
One big issue still isn't addressed: people prefer socialising on 3rd party applications and forcing them to use outdated forum system is simply creating shitposting on clan boards.

It was kind of addressed in the s&i thread and I've addressed it below (o(

Originally Posted by Parrot
Ughhhh. I just spent so much time typing up a response and it disappeared. Okay, round two.


Most of your post just talks about making the checks harsher in a lot of areas. The criteria will inevitably be tweaked over time, but for now I'd prefer to keep it a little easy, than a little difficult given overall game activity and that we want to give clans a chance to repair and rebuild.
I agree with one small point, that 5 games to be counted as active is a bit... whatever.
5 games doesn't mean you're particularly active. (most people tend to play far more, if they play at all) I would like to introduce the ability to gain more points if you play more, in some way, without hurting older clans that don't play the game as much. Still looking at a way to do that, but I think it's especially important given how replays and mods are being counted.

Ok so the discord issue. Here's where I stand on it.
Discord is a 3rd part software, and it's currently the best one to use however there's no guarantee it'll stay the best. It used to be mumble, or teamspeak, hell, even steam had a crack at it (it just sucked ass). I'm very wary of looking at 3rd part applications as a measure of activity, because clan discords a) often have a lot of non-clan people chatting e.g. I'm in the T discord and me a sucy talk there a lot, bish's gf talks there, it sways the accuracy a lot and b) aren't in any way compulsory or a thing that's needed.
I'm not an idiot, I know most people nowadays use discord and there's an argument that it somewhat replaces forums (I know cos i've made teh argument before) but I would far prefer a system that's just aware of discord without measuring it.
In addition, discords develop over time into their own communities that are often no longer toribash clan communities. My job is to cultivate community on toribash, not discord.
It seems far more appropriate to adapt the current criteria, and the systems we do have to just be aware the clans use discord for most short term communication. It's not a total forum replacement, but I get it.
I've not really seen any arguments that convince me that that isn't the direction to go with this one. Stick to what we can measure and quantify, but just be aware that discord exists. Current criteria does that pretty well, most (if not all clans) get a solid number of points from posts. A significant number of clans are blowing the 200 posts mark out of the water, so yeah. That's where I stand on discord checks.

Hope that kinda helps?
I know not all of it is going in the direction that a few of you want but I hope you can appreciate my reasoning and thought process, and there have already been some really good ideas coming from this thread.

So people know what the plan is for CS:
We're not currently recruiting, I want to solidify what we currently have.
While this thread is garnering responses and gestating, we're going to take a look at the stickies here, and try and clean them up a bit, make them a bit more consolidated, and include things about the new systems in place.
I'll be contacting lmods of the replays and mods boards to let them know of the changes with SP stuff.
I'll also push through any official clan applications that have been sitting there while I transitioned in!
shit it turned into another text wall, im sorry
Last edited by Erth; Jan 17, 2019 at 09:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
so with these changes in the system, if i were to reapply jolly for official,what would be our chances?

our problem is the big inactive roster of members that
we dont want to kick,can now x small number of active
players take the burden of their x inactive brothers?

also an idea for sp clans, is it possible to make online
servers but with uke as opponent, that way you could monitor them just as mp clans with games played
(got the idea from single player games that require online connection)
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Feels ignorant of the core of the problem whereby if a clan is active enough to participate/win an event, then it should be fine in the activity checks. I'd prefer to take the checks to a point where it's reliable in those situations, rather than adding stipulations.
If the check says someone's inactive just after winning clan league, it's indicative of a larger problem that needs addressing, not just putting a bandaid on it and calling it good.

Yes, the problem it's indicative of is a shitty automated system... Christ.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
I really don't like the idea of a clan having to categorize themselves and then forcing their activity to go in a certain direction. Again, I'd prefer to just work under a system where all avenues of activity are viable, and any mix of them is good.

Explain to me how it 'forces' a clans activity in a direction. All it does is provide them with ANOTHER method of achieving activity. It doesn't take anything away. If you don't like this idea because I came up with it, just say that instead.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
The only way a bloated roster would be disadvantaged is if over 50% of it is inactive dead dudes, at which point it probably makes a bit of sense that the clan struggles to maintain activity, right?

Not when it's possible for the clan you're describing to still have 10 active members and not achieve full activity points, which CAN BE the case when inactive ranks are not considered. This is why we brought it up.

You and sir say inactive ranks functionally change nothing, but you're just flat-out wrong.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Not all of the perks are gonna be ground breaking, the meh ones are cool for unofficial dudes too. If we add a lot, and are a bit cerative with it then there should be a decent mix.

W/e, keep your meh perks. It's a comparatively minor point.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Ladies and gentlemen, Ele approves of something.

Dude, fuck you. Unnecessary shade, especially when all I'm doing here is helping out. If you don't want me posting, or you're not going to take what I say seriously, just tell me not to post here.

I expected better from you, Mr. 'Community Cultivation'.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
It seems far more appropriate to adapt the current criteria, and the systems we do have to just be aware the clans use discord for most short term communication ... That's where I stand on discord checks.

So what does this mean? Are you going to consider Discord or no? You don't want it formalised, but you want to be aware of it? What does this actually mean for clans with discords?
Last edited by Ele; Jan 17, 2019 at 02:05 PM.